8 School Holiday Programmes For Kids (December 2016)

There's a huge array of short courses available, from programming your own robots, to learning a new language.

It’s that time of the year again, where school’s out and kids can have some fun! So, instead of letting your kids stay at home, watch TV or play video games, why not send them for a holiday programme so, they can actually learn something and make some new friends? There’s a huge array of short courses available, from programming your own robots, to learning a new language. No matter what, your kids are bound to enjoy themselves!

Roboticist, Bangsar Village II


Roboticist offers the trendiest yet most relevant educational robotics platform which designed to transform fun STEM learning for young and adult students.
VEX IQ is for 7 to 12 years old, while VEX EDR is for 13 years old and above.

VEX Robotics education system integrates the fundamental concepts for Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics in a fun, enjoyable way. This holiday season is the perfect time to get started!

In the school holiday programme, students will build a robot while learning how the arm mechanisms work. Gear ratios will be emphasised on the following day when creating their very own speed/torque robot. In addition, they will also learn about how different wheel types can affect the robot’s performance.

Shakespeare Lives, British Council


Let your child immerse in the world of William Shakespeare through themed stories, immersive workshops, songs, arts and craft to enhance their language skills so that they develop the confidence to speak and write.

MusicTime, Subang



For kids who are musically inclined, you can send them to MusicTime for 3 days of musical fun with lots of singing, dancing, and also prizes to be won!

The Music Factory, Damansara


The Music Factory is more than a music school, it’s more of a community where they encourage their children to grow together, learn together and to foster friendship. Free trial class are currently available for all courses including piano, guitar, drums, violin and more.

Super Camp, Semenyih


At our 7-Day/6-Night SuperCamp, we leap out of bed every morning thrilled to meet the day and all its adventures! We are anxious yet undaunted to make a little more traction each day toward bigger goals for ourselves.. That’s what we love about the 7-Day/6-Night SuperCamp, where no two days were alike and we are constantly making exciting discoveries!

Mandarin Immersion, Imprint Mandarin


Let your child immerse in Mandarin and Chinese culture with martial arts, dance, music and rhythm activities. Let your child improve their Mandarin skills in a fun and casual environment.

Crafty Minds, Sri Petaling


This programme is more suited for International school children but also, suited for any child that enjoys technical stuff with classes such as:

  • Design a 3D Printed Hydraulic Arm

  • Game Design & Basic Coding With Minecraft

  • 3D Pen Workshop

  • 3D Design and Printing Programme

  • Use Clay to create stop motion

KidoCode, Solaris


Let ypur child experience the basics of Mobile App Development, Python combined with IGCSE Mathematics, Electronics, Web Development, Game Development, and lots more! Coding is taught through fun activities that will enhance their computing skills and the standard here is equivalent to MIT and Google.

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