Does your baby have colic? Here are 7 things to look out for


Is your little one crying for hours on end? Look out for these things to see if he has colic

If your baby spends hours crying from pain, but seems perfectly healthy, she might have colic. According to BabyCenter, up to 40% of babies become colicky. The good news is that colic isn’t permanent and doesn’t harm your baby in the long-term, but that doesn’t make it easier to endure when you’re trying to comfort a screaming baby.

Here are the symptoms you should look out for to see if your baby has colic, as compiled by Romper.

1. Your baby seems to cry on schedule

Parents of fussy babies are advised to take note of their babies’ crying and look for a pattern. Does your baby cry in the late afternoon or evening every day? That’s a tell-tale sign of colic.

2. The “rule of three”

If your baby cries for around 3 hours for at least 3 days a week, she could be colicky.

colic symptoms

Photo: Dreamstime

3. Your baby is around 3 weeks old

If your baby is much older or younger, something else could be causing their long crying sessions. According to BabyCenter, colic peaks at around 6 weeks, then starts to improve between 3 and 4 months. 80 to 90% of infants recover from colic by the time they turn 4 months old.

4. Your baby isn’t just crying, she’s screaming

What to Expect describes colicky cries as “loud, piercing, and continuous.” Sounds familiar?

5. Your baby tenses up when he cries

Colicky babies clench their fists, curl up their legs, and squeeze their eyes shut when they cry.

6. Extra gassiness

According to BabyCenter, gas doesn’t cause colic, but your baby could be extra gassy from the amount of air he swallows when he cries. Passing gas may make your baby feel better. Colicky babies also often have more bowel diapers and spit up more after feedings.

colic symptoms

Photo: Shutterstock

7. They’re inconsolable

Sadly, there isn’t much a parent can do to comfort a colicky baby, but you can try soothing them with these tips: Colic in baby: What is colic and how can you help your baby?

Note: your baby may not have colic.

Just because your baby has frequent crying bouts, that doesn’t necessarily mean that your baby has colic. It could be another underlying condition that’s causing your infant pain, like a food sensitivity or something else. To be sure, consult with your pediatrician.


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