"He's Not Ready For School" ⁠— Kindergarten Teacher Questioned For Rejecting 5-Year-Old Student

A kindergarten teacher kicked out a 5-year-old student for "not being ready for school" and scolded the child's mother.

A 50-year-old kindergarten teacher informed her student’s mother that her son did not meet the standard preschool readiness checklist. The child was kicked out of class for allegedly “not being ready for school.” The teacher further complained about the 5-year-old’s frequent crying which triggered stress and disrupted her lessons with other students. 

In this article, you’ll read:

  • The kindergarten teacher questioned for rejecting the crying 5-year-old student
  • Preschool readiness checklist

Kindergarten Teacher Questioned for Rejecting 5-Year-Old Student

preschool readiness checklist

On Friday, 25th of March 2022, a mum expressed her frustration through a Facebook post. Her statement reached many netizens and gained over 14,000 shares and 7,200 comments. 

Authorities in Selangor, Malaysia, are taking the appropriate steps to investigate the 50-year-old kindergarten teacher. The teacher allegedly asked the mother to stop sending her child to school because of his constant crying fits.

The kindergarten teacher reportedly complained to the mum that her son’s frequent wails were causing her stress. Additionally, the teacher said that the weeping 5-year-old was disrupting her lessons with the other students.

“It has only been four hours since my son went to school, and his teacher is already WhatsApping me this,” mum claimed. 

The mother felt offended by her conversation with her son’s teacher on WhatsApp. 

“Is it not normal for five-year-old children to cry at school?” She added, venting “A five-year-old child apparently doesn’t have the awareness to learn; it’s so sad that the teacher feels this way about my son.”

Teacher Claims the Child Is Not Ready to Attend School

The incident saddened the 5-year-old kid’s mother. To make matters worse, the teacher also lectured the woman for failing to educate her child when he was three or four years old. Because of this, her supposed carelessness made the child unfit for the standard preschool readiness checklist.

Despite the kid’s age, the teacher insisted to the mum that her son “is still not ready for school.” However, the mom refutes the educator, claiming that she manages her son’s studies at home. She then added that her teaching style was different compared to a teacher’s professional skills. 

“I’m not a teacher […] my son can’t read as well as other five-year-olds. Does this mean he’s not fit to attend this kindergarten?” said the mother. 

Teacher Urged Mum to Take Her Child Out of Class

preschool readiness checklist

The mum immediately rushed to pick up her son after receiving the teacher’s message. The text contains a message from the teacher suggesting her son take out of kindergarten. She said that it was because the 5-year-old kid frequently cries every day, causing her stress. 

The child’s mum got the alarming message on the fifth day of her son at school. She felt too distraught to discuss the issue with the teacher at that time. 

After some time, she resolved to write a Facebook post to vent out and express her frustration. The mum defended her son and said it was only five days since her kid started school. The child was not familiar with the new environment and the people he encountered.

“[Should he] stop going to school? What about his education and communication if he doesn’t start now? When he turns six or seven years old, starting school will be just the same,” mum said.

Additionally, the child’s family cannot afford to enrol him in a private school. She was worried about taking any action and had no intention to “humiliate government servants.”

The Ministry of National Unity Took Action

The Ministry of National Unity took the necessary action regarding the case. They reassured the mum that they are seriously assessing her complaint. The officials also vowed to discuss the problem regarding the student in a proper manner. 

“As teachers, they have to know what their responsibilities are and be ethical no matter the situation,” said Minister Datuk Halimah Mohamed Sadique.

Meanwhile, the teacher in question was temporarily placed at the Hulu Langat District Unity Office until the investigation gets finalized.

Preschool Readiness Checklist

Hes Not Ready For School ⁠— Kindergarten Teacher Questioned For Rejecting 5-Year-Old Student

Is your child ready for preschool? It is essential to know and assess if your child is prepared for preschool before the opening of classes. 

The Speech Buddy comes up with a checklist for you to know what to expect with your child when school starts. Here are general guidelines for understanding what the teacher will be looking for when school starts:

Parents, you might want to check their emotional development, attention and independence. You could also check their basic knowledge of language, art, and mathematics.

Emotional Development

  • Recognizes other people’s emotions
  • Takes turns and chooses to share toys

Attention & Independence

  • Listens to simple instructions
  • Sits still during storytime
  • Can separate himself from you for a few hours
  • Enjoys doing things herself sometimes, such as getting dressed on her own

Language, Art, and Math

  • Recognizes some shapes and colours
  • Recites the alphabet and recognizes some letters
  • Expresses thoughts and needs verbally
  • Recites his full name
  • Counts to five
  • Draws with crayons or pencils

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