15 Parenting Tips to Improve Your Parenting Skills TODAY!


Not sure what to do when your child throws a tantrum? Worried that you’re not being a good parent? Here are 15 incredible parenting tips.

It’s true when they say that the days are long but the years are short. Raising a child is not easy. You will face challenges, frustrations, guilt, fear and even disappointments. 

But there’s also much joy, tenderness, love, and a whole lot of fun. As parents, we always want to give our kids the best. Here are a few tips on parenting that can help you navigate this journey.

What are the 4 types of parenting styles?

4 parenting styles and parenting tips all parents should try once in their life

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One of the best things you can do is to identify your parenting style as it has an impact on everything from your child’s behaviour to their self-esteem. 

This is because the way you interact, teach and discipline your child will affect them for the rest of their life.

Hence, it’s critical to make sure your parenting style supports healthy growth and development. ​

Here are the four types of parenting styles identified:

  • Authoritative parenting – Authoritative parents emphasise the imposition of authority on children of all ages. What their parents say must be followed by their children.
  • Authoritarian parenting – Authoritative parents establish norms and enforce them, but they also consider their children’s viewpoints.
  • Uninvolved parenting – Parents who are uninvolved are often unaware of their children’s activities. It’s possible that children don’t get enough direction, caring, or parental care.
  • Permissive parenting – Parents are forgiving and only intervene when there is a serious problem.

15 healthy parenting tips for toddlers

The toddler years can be particularly challenging as children are learning about their world. They are testing boundaries, discovering what their bodies can do and exploring everything in their environment.

Here are some parenting tips that can help you through the ‘terrible twos’:

1. Spend time with your kids

Spending alone time with your child is one of the oldest parenting tips in the book

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Spending time together is another way to demonstrate affection. This is an excellent approach to showing your child that he/she is essential to you. 

Just remember to interact with them actively. This entails putting down your phone and engaging with your children. 

You can read with your child, play a game, head outdoors, make an age-appropriate recipe, or simply be present in what they are doing. 

Show your children that you love and “get them” by exhibiting interest in topics they are passionate about.

2. Set a good example

Humans are unique among creatures in that we can learn via imitation. So, we tend to follow the steps of others, particular the footsteps of people we look up to.

Children, in particular, pay close attention to everything their parents do. So, be the person you want your child to be – respect them, model positive conduct and attitude, and show empathy for their feelings — and your child will imitate you.

3. Control your emotions

There are so many useful parenting tips out there however, the most impactful one is how you control your emotions.

If you lose your cool in front of your children, especially young ones, they may become scared or nervous.  

When you lose control, shout, or quarrel with someone, you’re teaching your children how to respond in difficult situations. Young children, particularly, are still learning to comprehend and regulate emotions. Losing your cool may cause them to feel scared and anxious. 

Instead, show that you can maintain your composure and address difficulties calmly.  When you do, you’re demonstrating emotional intelligence to them. If you do lose your temper, make a point of apologising and accepting responsibility for your actions. 

4. Give assurance

Respond to your child’s signals and be attentive to their needs to show them that you’ll always be there for them. Support and embrace your child for who they are. Make your home a welcoming, safe sanctuary for your toddler to explore.

Emotional regulation, social skills development, and mental health outcomes improve in children reared by consistently responsive parents.

5. Teach them to be grateful

Teaching thankfulness is one of the most important things you can do for your child. 

Explain to your little one why and how he or she can show gratitude towards the things he has in life.

6. Don’t pressure your kids too much

Unrealistic expectations and aspirations for both their children and themselves may be a source of frustration for parents. 

Children learn, grow and develop at their own pace. Comparing your child to other children will not do any good. 

Rather than pressure your child to hit developmental milestones ahead of time, why not enjoy their learning process. Your child will get there soon enough.   

Be patient and flexible with yourself, your children, and your parenting.

7. Communicate with your children

15 Parenting Tips to Improve Your Parenting Skills TODAY!

Credit: Shutterstock

The majority of us are aware of the significance of communication. Talk to your child and pay attention to what they say.

You’ll have a better connection with your child if you keep the lines of communication open, and your kid will come to you when they have a problem.

8. Avoid spanking

Spanking may, without a doubt, bring about short-term compliance for some parents, which can be a welcome relief.

However, this technique does not teach the difference between right and wrong. Instead, it just educates the toddler to be afraid of the repercussions of their actions and they are motivated to avoid being caught.

Spanking your child teaches them that violence may be used to solve problems. 

Did you know that children who have been spanked, slapped, or struck are more likely to fight with other kids?

They are more prone to become bullies and resort to verbal and physical violence to resolve conflicts.

9. Teach them to be independent 

Allow your child to complete simple activities independently. Children at this age can actually perform many things that older children can when given the space to learn. They may take a little longer than older children, so be patient and give additional time for things like putting on shoes or feeding their pet.  

It’s well worth the effort to make kids feel capable and self-sufficient. However, remember to give your child plenty of time to move from one activity to the next, as toddlers can’t switch gears as quickly as adults can. ​

10. Be consistent when you discipline them

In every home, discipline is required. Discipline is intended to assist children in selecting appropriate actions and developing self-control. 

They may test the boundaries you set for them, but they require those boundaries to mature into responsible people.

There are other ways to discipline your child besides spanking.  For example, establishing house rules assists children in understanding and developing self-control. 

11. Give out compliments

It is good for your child’s development if you give them praise where it’s due. So, every day, make it a point to discover something to compliment them for. 

For example, if your kid makes her bed, tell her that she did a good job. This will motivate her to do it again.

Be generous with your incentives – your love, hugs, and congratulations may go a long way and are frequently sufficient compensation. 

Let your child know how you feel when you see him doing something helpful or kind. It’s a fantastic method to reward positive conduct and encourage him to continue doing it. ​

12. Organise activities for your child

It’s essential to keep your child active whenever possible. According to new research, young children’s brain development is connected to their amount of exercise

Allow your toddler to walk instead of riding in her stroller many times during the day, and provide opportunities for your older child to get lots of exercise.

13. Have family dinners weekly

Sitting at the table together is a comfortable opportunity for everyone to interact. For example, it is a great moment to share the good news, discuss the day, or tell a humorous joke. It also aids in the development of good eating habits in your children. 

14. Acknowledge their feelings

Children feel better when they sense they have been heard, so repeat your child’s worries as much as possible. 

You can ask your kid how he feels once his tantrum is ended. Then pay attention to him. Allowing him to talk it out can help him recover more quickly after a tantrum and also help him learn about his emotions.

15. It’s ok to make mistakes

At the end of the day, parents are also human beings. So, we will make mistakes when we raise our kids. But, don’t beat yourself up for doing something wrong, as we can always learn from our mistakes and do better in the future.

Parenting tips for infants

parenting tips for new parents

Credit: Shutterstock

Here are some parenting tips for parents with infants:

  • Speak to your child. Your speech will be soothing to your baby.
  • When your baby is aware and calm, play with her. Keep an eye out for signals that your baby is weary or cranky so she may take a break from playing. ​
  • Spend time hugging and caressing your child. This will make her feel safe and cared for.
  • When your baby starts moving and touching things she shouldn’t, distract her with toys and relocate her to a secure place.
  • Never, ever shake your infant. Babies’ neck muscles are pretty weak, and they are unable to hold their heads up yet. Shaking your baby can result in brain damage and even death.
  • To avoid sudden infant death syndrome, always put your baby to sleep on her back.
  • ​Vaccinations are critical for your child’s health as kids are susceptible to dangerous infections.

Why is good parenting important?

Parents are among the most influential persons in their children’s life. The child’s personality, life choices, and overall behaviour are all shaped by this bond. It may also have an impact on their social, physical, mental, and emotional well-being. 

Additionally, young children who have a safe and healthy attachment to their parents are more likely to establish happy and satisfying relationships with others later in life.

Signs of good parenting skills 

Here are some signs that you’re parenting skills are working:

  • Your child can discuss their feelings with you.
  • Your child is emphatic.
  • You encourage your kids to pursue what they love.
  • Your kid turns to you when they are having problems.
  • Your kid can show his emotions in front of you.
  • They are willing to spend time with you.


Parenting is never easy, and it’s okay to struggle a bit in this. Take your time in educating yourself with these parenting tips and bring up your kid. Just remember that every child grows and blooms differently, so give them time to get used to your parenting style.

For more parenting tips, click here!

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