Fun and educational places to bring your kid

Give your kids a break from school, tuition and homework by bringing them to these fun and educational places in Kuala Lumpur!

Fun and educational places to bring your kid in Kuala Lumpur

Check out our list of fun and educational places to bring your kid in Kuala Lumpur

Trying to plan for quality time with our children can be a daunting task as most of us are also working during the school holidays. But sometimes the answer lies in front of us, literally, as most of these activities that we are suggesting for your day trip are located all in the heart of the city.

1)      National Planetarium

A great way to spend time with the kids for a day trip is the National Planetarium. With facilities like Outdoor Ancient Observatory Park and a picnic area with a space theme, you will also get to enjoy their unforgettable planetarium shows.

2)      National Visual Arts Gallery

It is never too early to stimulate our children’s mind with an introduction of visual art like paintings and sculptures. The National Visual Arts Gallery has a great art collection from local artist so remember you do not need to understand art to appreciate it but most importantly how the piece does affect you emotionally. Start an intellectual stimulating conversation with them, you might be surprised with their answers.

3)      Petrosains KLCC

If your child loves discovering new and exciting things, Petrosains KLCC is a great place to hang out for a day trip. With really affordable tickets, this centre uses fun and interactive ways of telling the story behind the petroleum industry. A place not to be missed!

4)      Kidzania, Kuala Lumpur

Already making headlines since they launch in January last year, KidZania Kuala Lumpur is a centre for our children to experience role-playing activities in a career of their choice. From a CSI agent to a television newscaster, this educational theme park is a must see during the school holidays. Tickets are a bit pricey but the facilities are of an international standard that is worth the investment.

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These are four great places to see during the weekends but don’t forget it is not the location that counts but our commitment and time to our children. So don’t be a party-pooper instead takes our cues on what NOT to do during the day trip:

1)      Do not try to squeeze work in between your trip. It is super un-cool and our children will feel left out.

2)      Remember that this is their day, so try to make the best of it by not planning any conference calls or Skyping on your gadget. If it is possible, try to ask them to leave the expensive technologies at home (tablets, video games, etc) and instead create a day where you can converse freely without distraction about your experiences.

3)      Takes your cues from your children, be open and ask their opinion on their choice of destinations. This will make them appreciate the effort spent on organizing the trip instead of feeling like a tag along.

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