After falling from sofa, pregnant mum and her unborn child pass away

Because of the changes in her body, pregnant mum Samantha Hopkins found it uncomfortable to sleep on the bed.

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Because of the changes in her body, pregnant mom Samantha Hopkins found it uncomfortable to sleep on the bed.

So instead she had taken to sleeping on the sofa in the living room.

One night, however, the mother-of-two tried to get up from the sofa, and in the process fell on the floor and hit her head.

The resulting injury was catastrophic.

When one of her sons found her, he ran and told his father, Steven Collett. By then Samantha had been unresponsive.

According tho a Mail Online report: “Mr. Collett called paramedics and Miss Hopkins was taken to Queen Alexandra Hospital but both she and the baby—a little girl—were unable to be resuscitated.

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Photo credit: Mail Online

“During the inquest, held in Portsmouth, Hampshire, Mr Collett said his girlfriend had taken to sleeping on the sofa due to her pregnancy.”

Meanwhile, Pathologist Dr Adnan Al-Badri said that Samantha died after suffering a subdural hematoma after falling.

Coroner David Horsley ruled out any possibility of foul play, claiming that the mother’s death was an accident.

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In a statement, he said, “’Samantha died due to an accident, a most tragic accident because it’s deprived you all of Samantha, particularly her children and of another child who also lost their life.

“I do feel so sorry for you all.”

Next page, read some safety tips for pregnant women!

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Safety tips for pregnant women

The list of dos and don’ts for pregnant woman grows increasingly longer as she she gets closer to her delivery date. That’s why it’s important that pregnant women take caution in everything they do—even when they’re in the house.

Here are certain things and activities that they should be wary of, as per Fit Pregnancy:

Alcohol, Cigarettes, Secondhand smoke

These things are particularly harmful for both mother and her unborn child. Experts even prove that these things can cause birth defects, such as lower birth weight. Pregnant women should stay as far away from these things as possible.

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Caffeine and diet sodas

While not as harmful as the above items, moderation must be considered when consuming such beverages that are high in caffeine. Consuming more than 300 to 400 milligrams daily increases miscarriage risk.


When done correctly, exercise during pregnancy can benefit both the mother and her child. And because every woman’s body is different, it’s best to ask your doctors the proper way of exercising.

Raw meat and fish

A huge no no during pregnancy, eating raw meat or fish exposes the mother to bacterial infections and parasites. They could then be passed on to the baby, resulting in impaired growth and brain development.

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Written by

James Martinez