Baby dies from nappy rash: What to do when your baby has diaper rash

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They had not changed his diaper in over a week...

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We know how important it is to prevent diaper rash in babies – especially when they are newborn. A neglected diaper rash can lead to nasty health conditions. The danger of an infection in a young baby is that their immune system is not equipped to deal with it. So, they can get very sick, very quickly.  

Most of us have probably dealt with mild diaper rash in our little ones at some point, and we’re quick to deal with it appropriately. But, as a tragic consequence of shocking parental neglect, a 4-month-old baby died from a severe case of diaper rash. 

Failure to prevent diaper rash led to baby’s death

prevent diaper rash

The helpless baby had not had his diaper changed in at least a week, leading to a massive infection. Image source: Twitter screengrab

A 4-month-old baby was discovered dead last year in the USA, covered in maggots in his parents’ apartment. The baby’s body was found still sitting in a baby swing.

According to the Assistant Attorney General, the baby died of diaper rash and his parents are being charged for first-degree murder.

His parents, Cheyanne Harris, 20, and Zachary Koehn, 28, had left the baby in a “diaper that hadn’t been changed in over a week.” According to reports, the diaper was soiled with the baby’s faeces, which caused a maggot infestation that led to an E-Coli infection.

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A “study of the maggots growth and development indicated that the child had not had a diaper change, bath, or been removed from the seat in over a week.”

Source: Twitter

An autopsy report revealed that the baby was “well below the 5th percentile in size and weight.”

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When first responders found the baby, he described the surroundings as “hot… and there was a stench of urine”. In fact, the conditions the baby was in, was so bad that life-saving measures could not have been taken.

“His eyes were open, and it was a blank stare,” she said. “This isn’t right. This is not a baby who I can do CPR on.”

The couple’s two-year-old was also found in the apartment but appeared to be well taken care of.

While this is an extreme case of negligence and abuse, diaper rash is a serious matter that every parent should not take lightly.

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Prevent diaper rash with these tips

Diaper rash is common in babies during the first 15 months of their lives, though 9-12 month olds are more prone to it.

Keeping your baby’s bottom dry is key to prevent diaper rash from occurring.

Some other causes of diaper rash are:

  1. Prolonged exposure to stools, particularly if the baby has diarrhoea.
  2. A change in the composition of stools when babies are introduced to newer and solid foods.
  3. A change in brand of diapers or disposable wipes, baby oil, powder or lotion, a change of detergent or bleach used on the baby’s clothes.
  4. Specific foods eaten by a mother for babies who are breastfed. 
  5. Highly sensitive skin.
  6. Very tight fitting clothes or diapers which causes rubbing and chafing of skin.Treating diaper rash at home:

How to treat diaper rash at home

Source: Pixabay

Start off by gently washing your baby’s bottom with warm water, then softly pat dry the area (do not rub your baby’s skin with the towel as it might agitate the rash further).

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Apply an anti-diaper rash cream or petroleum jelly afterwards, particularly between the legs. But stay away from talcum powder!

Don’t forget to frequently change your little one’s diapers and make sure that your baby is always clean and dry!

Source: Washington Post

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Ayu Idris