Brain dead baby wakes up, now needs support to survive

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"Perhaps God has heard our pleas and prayers. Perhaps our 14-month Toya knows it’s way too early to say goodbye to Daddy and Mummy."

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Miracles do happen. A 14-month-old brain dead baby in Singapore has woken up against all odds. But now, he needs our support to survive and live on…

“Perhaps God has heard our pleas and prayers. Perhaps our 14-month Toya knows it’s way too early to say goodbye to Daddy and Mummy.”

Brain Dead Baby Wakes Up

According to Give.Asia, little Toya Yamaguchi was almost unconscious when he was first rushed to hospital after an injury, on 21 June 2018. CT scan showed that he had suffered a skull fracture. There was a blood clot on the left side of his brain. Doctors performed brain surgery immediately.

Sadly, Toya was declared brain dead on 29 June 2018, leaving his parents and relatives shattered.

His grandparents arrived in Singapore from Tokyo on 3 July 2018, to have one last look at the baby.

That was also the day Toya woke up miraculously.

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It will take a long time for Toya to recover though.

Mummy Aiko writes, “Toya has been hit with brain damage, and doctors say it would be a long journey and are not certain how much recovery we can expect. Toya is still in hospital and we are thankful that he is still here with us, in this world.”

Baby Needs Support

Aiko reveals, “Toya has always been an active and healthy baby, until that fateful day.”

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Photo: Give.Asia

“This incident had caused him to lose his sight and hearing, but he recently showed slight signs of response and recovery. His left eye however remains closed (complete ptosis).”

Toya also has hypertonia and hyperreflexia. “He is still bedridden and still has no purposeful movements. We hope, and pray, fervently, that his recovery will continue to strengthen by each day.”

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Currently, neuro-rehabilitation has begun, and Toya’s condition is improving by the day. Once his condition has stabilised, he will also need another surgery to put his skull back into his head.

Being foreigners, Toya’s parents are unable to afford the huge hospital expenses in Singapore, as insurance only covers them partially. So far, hospital expenses alone have exceeded $117,047.

They hope to fly back to Japan once his condition is more stable, and seek treatment there.

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Photo: Give.Asia

Even then, given his condition, the flight back home would be complex, and expensive (around $30,000), and would involve accompanying doctors.

They need to raise at least S$70,000 as soon as possible to cover current hospital expenses, and for the flight back to Japan.

A Give.Asia page has been set up for Toya’s cause. Funds raised will be managed by Giveasia Kindness, and given directly to the hospital to settle baby Toya’s medical bill.

We urge our readers to contribute in whatever little way they can for this baby’s recovery. Please click here to donate to Toya’s cause.


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Source: Give.Asia


Written by

Ayu Idris