First pregnancy at 34years old

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Let me tell you; Pregnancy after your 30s is wild!

I was prepared for body changes, but there are a few other things that people rarely tell you about that were unexpected to me!

Typically you’ll hear incontinence, hemorrhoids, and insomnia, and pregnant moms are constantly tired. Sleeping issues got worsen when the bump is more prominent, sometimes because of excruciating pelvic or back pain, or sometimes it’s the whole body; it’s like there’s a big heavy stone attached to your abs, either Sideways or lying on your back will always hurt.

I had lousy congestion throughout my first and second trimesters, but It stopped when I hit the third trimester. I Couldn’t breathe out of my nose! Especially when trying To sleep. This is common — pregnancy rhinitis — But I had no idea.

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I started to experience this leg up to one side pelvic cramp and stay up all night (insomnia) thinking, worrying, planning, nesting, all of it even though I was too tired, or my whole body was sore… luckily for me, it started in my third trimester.

Recently, I experienced something called Lightning crotch pains! It was so intense that I remember my knees buckling and losing balance. I was sweating cold, and my heart was racing like crazy all of a sudden! It feels like a shooting pain in the pelvic area and occurs mainly when you’re moving or the baby move. So I read about it. It is caused by the pressure and position of the baby as they descend into the birth canal.

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Nowadays, I have horrible pain in my hands and arms, and this pregnancy app says it’s common, especially at the end of pregnancy; it was called ‘mommy thumb’ [or De Quervain’s tenosynovitis]. Some mothers had to get a cortisone injection to end the pain. Mommy's thumb is caused by fluid retention during pregnancy and often exacerbated after birth by repetitive hand movements. If it persists, suggested that we talk to the doctor about a steroid injection to reduce inflammation, followed by splinting, which gives the inflamed tendon time to heal.

Throughout my pregnancy, I learned to control my emotions and stress, so anything that used to bother me much on either my feeling or my mental health, or my self-confidence insecurity issue, I managed to put to rest and put an end to it peacefully except for a few things I still couldn't find a way to settle it like the house bugs issue and these cats giving so much headaches when Daddy's not home.

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Typically, things can sound like it's a petty issue to even share or complain about but some things we females don't mention because men just can't relate and always refer to things based on Google findings that may not relevant to us and it will just stress us even more.

The fact is that during pregnancy, some women’s skin gets extra finicky, so if you already had sensitive skin or skin problems before pregnancy, it gets worse.

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In my case, I have a long list of allergies (can't complain: premature baby). So when the doctor says at 6 months, it's best to start preparing this and that including an allergy card. So I start retrieving all my medical records and checking with my prev panel clinics. I notice I have ignored half of the list of things I'm allergic to just to live life and not be a burden to anyone, especially my husband.

When I got pregnant, the itch and scars on my skin got worst. I felt ugly, to be honest, but focusing on my baby and not to let myself stressed out, I manage to just ignore it and live with it until we moved to the new house where mites and bedbugs infested the whole house!

I am not the only one suffering from the itch and scars, my husband who have sensitive skin too so it’s not fair to complain and give him so much headache, I decided to take this bugs issues into my hand so I bought the dust mite vacuum, repellent, and pesticides, etc.

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Things got better but then another problem arise! 🤯

I admit I have not helped manage the cats since I got pregnant of 6months so when my husband is too busy, the cats get to skip their bathing because I can't bend, I struggle and often felt painful and uncomfortable to handle these fat and dramatic cats when it comes to shower although that's the only duty husband might want me to help with… So now the cats started to have fleas and tick issues, hopefully with these shampoos and spray, etc, we get to settle it asap because right now, they always sleep on the sofa and it’s spreading🙄.

⛔️Cats are also a commitment that I think we need to look into it if you're too busy with work and having kids, you got to plan better cos if they skip their baths, that's it! More headaches to come!

🔴The difference between a sensitivity and an allergy is that :

✅ an allergy is characterized by an immune system reaction to a substance

✅ a sensitivity involves no immune response and an intolerance is characterized by the body lacking a chemical or enzyme.

And both may require different treatments.

So, allergic skin reaction can manifest as an itchy rash and take longer to settled down without medication which usually involves anti histamine via oral intake. “Sensitive skin” may not be taking too long to recover and external medication like ointment would do.

An allergic skin reaction manifests after initial exposure to an allergen. It can happen on repeat exposure. The technical name for this is allergic contact dermatitis and once symptoms show up and even though the allergen has been removed, it can take a few weeks for them to go away—sometimes even with treatment.

In my case, repeating exposure to allergens will lead to nose congestion and constant itching in the eyes (so I avoid contact lense and eyeliner-you can imagine right how hideous I look like at home? Poor husband!) and the itch usually will leave darken spots on places like near armpit, ankles, crotch ( 😣 tbh I am so embarrassed with my skin condition, I felt so scared that he might feel disgusted whenever he hugs me😭).

2️⃣Now about cats, here's the second thing to highlight!

During pregnancy, we experience a heightened sense of smell, where we are more sensitive to scents, a condition called hyperosmia. One possible reason for the strong sense of smell is changing hormone levels which are usually most intense in the early months of pregnancy and diminish closer to delivery. But when I reach the second to the third trimester, cat pee and poo give me a headache. So I tend to either lock myself in the office or bedroom in the previous house when my husband is not around.

I am so happy and thankful that our new house has better ventilation and more rooms so the cat's room is further away and I only get a headache when I'm in the kitchen and if their room is open. My headache doesn't last the whole day and is not as bad as before!

3️⃣Lastly, the swelling feet!

Swelling is normal as our body holds more water than usual when you're pregnant, and throughout the day the extra water tends to gather in the lowest parts of the body, especially when we are standing a lot.

The pressure of your growing womb can also affect the blood flow in your legs. This can cause fluid to build up in your legs, ankles, and feet. Once your feet hit the floor, especially cement or marble…a sharp pain like you're walking on broken glass! Imagine walking a short distance cause you so much pain!

And when you tried to put up your legs, your pelvis cramped or the whole waist down felt uncomfortable or painful because the baby is getting heavier and you can't properly lie down on your back to straighten your feet up🥲

Now this 3 things I highlight here is quite common when your wife is pregnant and if they’re acting annoyingly selfish, this is probably why, they can’t tolerate the stress and you on the other hand can’t seems to understand. Hence, many of you will hear this the heart stabbing statement “try being pregnant!” Or “you’re not the one who’s pregnant!”😏

I am blessed with a husband who’s understanding and so I don’t have any excuse to sinned by saying those statement to my husband. Alhamdulillah. I just need to really settle these bugs issues before baby comes and my skin problem! If you have suggestions or tips feel free to share! (Appreciate it)