Crack Down on Human Trafficking: More than 50% Immigration Staff Replaced

Almost 3 children go missing everyday in Malaysia

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In bids to crack down on human trafficking, more than 50% of front line Immigration personnel manning Immigration counters at KL International Airport and KLIA2 were replaced in recent months. 37 Immigration personnel were detained under the Secuity Offences (Special Measures) Act (SOSMA) and  Prevention of Crime Act (POCA).

In line with beefing up security, the Immigration Department would be installing 300 new facial recognition devices at airports and ports nationwide by the end of next year. Bukit Aman Special Branch Director Datuk Seri Mohamad Fuzi Harun said investigations found the Immigration staff were directly involved with human smuggling syndicates. – MalayMail

Worst Countries For Human Trafficking

In 2014, the U.S. State Department downgraded Thailand, Malaysia and Venezuela to its list of the world’s worst centers of human trafficking, opening up the countries to possible sanctions and dumping them in the same category as North Korea and Syria. – Business Insider

Children at the Lenggeng detention center, south of Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, face the possibility of being sold into slavery as a result of over-crowding.AP Photo/Mark Baker

No doubt women still rank highest when it comes to human trafficking, sadly, children are next in line. Are you keeping a close eye on your kids?

credit : United Nations Information Service Vienna

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According to this Child Abduction Awareness video, almost 3 children go missing everyday in Malaysia.

Most of them end in tragedies:


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credit : Alfa

Sold as Child Sex Slave

credit :

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Sold and/or Mutilated and/or Drugged for Child Beggar Syndicates

credit : fleetwood against sex trafficking

I’m sure that is not the worst of it, but we wont get into the details. I don’t want to scare you into paying more attention to your children. I want all parents to never take your children’s safety for granted.

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Our government may be taking steps to reduce human trafficking one step at a time, but we cannot deny corruption seem to be a continual flaw in our system. Once a child goes missing, time starts ticking. With your residing country and neighbouring country known as a human traffic hub, the last thing you want is for them to cross that border. Once gone, it is a lifetime of regrets.

Be vigilant, keep your children safe.

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Written by

Rosanna Chio