International Babywearing Week by Baby Ultra

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Come and join us on the 22nd to 23rd October 2016 at Baby Ultra!

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The month of October brings International Babywearing Week where various babywearing chapters, vendors, members come together for one week to celebrate, promote, advocate for, and focus media attention on the many benefits of babywearing. The theme set for this year is: Best Seat In The House. You can read the full details here.

What is Babywearing?

Babywearing is the practice of wearing or carrying your baby or toddler through the use of one of a variety of types of baby carriers, to keep them close and connected to you as you engage in daily activities. Wearing your child gives incredible benefits to both the babywearer, and the baby or toddler, among others:

  1. Happier Baby – babies who are carried tend to be calmer and cry or fuss less
  2. Safe – Could reduce the risk of SIDS by wearing your baby during naps
  3. Ideal Breastfeeding – closer contact by routinely wearing your child increase the chance of a successful breastfeeding journey
  4. Upright position in a carrier can ease the discomfort of Reflux
  5. Convenient – your hands are free while your little one is happy and safe with you at all time
  6. Ease the strain – Wearing your child is safer and easier on your back than carrying in arms.

A Baby Ultra Event

Baby Ultra is organising an event in conjunction with the International Babywearing Week 2016, themed “Best Seat in the House”. This event is targeting to spread awareness on correct and safe way to wear your baby to the general public. Their team consists of parents who are passionate about keeping their children close by wearing them.

Why is Baby Ultra Doing This

With the recently growing numbers of babywearers in Malaysia, it is crucial to form a platform for parents who babywear, that provides adequate support and reliable information on safe and correct ways of wearing their child.

Events like this, in addition, provides opportunities for them to connect with other local and international babywearers and share their knowledge and experiences.

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Members can also benefit from the Group’s volunteer babywearing educators (BWE), who are internationally certified and recognized within the community and are passionate about sharing the joys of babywearing in the country.

Mission For This Event

  • To reach out to the the general public, opening their eyes to babywearing and educate them on safe and correct ways of wearing their child
  • To offer them choices of babywearing gears to suit their needs
  • To offer them peer-support throughout their babywearing journey

Participating vendors include:

Event Details:

Date: 22 & 23 October 2016

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Time: 11 am – 9.00pm


For any inquiries please contact:

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Written by

Rosanna Chio