The Problem With Regular Tampons And Pads And Why You Should Go Organic

Most pads and tampons are made from cotton - they make contact with our most intimate parts. Should you go organic?

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Our Health

Most pads and tampons are made from cotton (either regular or organic) and make contact with our most intimate parts, sometimes for 12 or more hours a day - every single month.

Most pads and tampons are made from cotton (either regular or organic) and make contact with our most intimate parts, sometimes for 12 or more hours a day - every single month. Inorganic cotton can contain nasty toxins such as dioxins, which are by-products of the chlorine bleaching process used to make cotton and wood pulp look white and clean. This is extremely dangerous considering dioxins are known to cause cancer. Aside from dioxins, sanitary products also contain pesticides, chlorine, rayon and fragrances which could irritate our bodies. In addition to putting our internal systems at risk when we give our bodies a direct exposure to such chemicals, these products also harmfully affects our environment.

Farming And The Environment

A second main reason regular tampons and pads are not  great is because it negatively impacts our environment - the process of farming, manufacturing and production works against our environment. As opposed to natural or organic agriculture, regular farming does not prioritise ecology, health, fairness and care. The production and growing of regular cotton also requires for harmful pesticides, insecticides and herbicides, which bleed into waterways and soil.  In fact, 16% of the world’s insecticides are used in cotton farming, resulting in unnecessary harm for the birds and bees. It has been proven that a major decline in wildlife including species of birds, bees, butterflies as well as other pollinators are a result of such farming practices. Organic cotton farming on the other hand works to ensure that both farms and farmers are protected - from the impacts of the dangerous chemicals used as well as from the practices and processes.

Plastic Pollution

Plastic is a worldwide epidemic. Conventional products these days are loaded with unnecessary plastic and the same goes for a pack of pads and tampons. An average package contains the same amount of plastic as four carrier bags, which is completely unnecessary - four plastic bags are not essential to carry a pack of pads! Plastic takes hundreds of years to break down into small microplastics, which then usually end up in the environment and sea animals. Organic pads and tampons however use materials and packaging that is totally compostable and will disappear over months naturally!

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Organic sanitary products will definitely be more expensive than the conventional range, but contrary to popular belief, the difference is just slightly higher! You can expect to pay a 20%-30% increase; in the grand scheme of things, the extra few coins you pay to protect your body, the environment, wildlife, farmers and future generations is worth it and so well deserved. 

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This article has been republished with permission from PurelyB

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