7 Pelvic Health Issues You Need To Know About As A Mother

Find out more about your pelvic health issues now at Vibrance Pelvic Care Centre in Kuala Lumpur.

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When the words “pelvic health” come to mind, what do you think of? Many women don’t know what to think because there has been little education about it. 

In fact, there are many conditions that women suffer from in silence because they have no idea what they are going through or they are embarrassed about it. 

These are 7 common pelvic health issues that women go through. 

1. Urinary incontinence

If you’ve ever laughed so hard, a little bit of pee came out, this is just a minor instance of urinary incontinence. And guess what? That’s not normal. As women grow older, or they recover from labour or surgery, or maybe even go through major hormone changes such as menopause, they might find themselves suffering from urinary incontinence. Urinary incontinence, or lack of bladder control, can be caused by many factors – some of which has been listed above. 

2. Fecal incontinence

Though not as common as urinary incontinence, fecal incontinence is another pelvic health issue that women often face and need to address in their lives and is the second most common issue women face. Fecal incontinence is the lack of bowel control. Those experiencing this might have the urge to pass a bowel movement but not be able to control before reaching the toilet or they might just leak stools anytime. 

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3. Overactive bladder

An overactive bladder is described as the need to use the toilet excessively. This means needing to go multiple times in the night, not being able to hold your urine in without feeling that it will leak out or always needing to rush to the toilet. This can be caused by uncontrolled diabetes, pelvic floor nerve damage, low levels of oestrogen after menopause or even sleep apnoea. 

4. Uterine prolapse 

There are actually four types of prolapses that can happen in women. First is the uterine prolapse, which is when the uterus drops in the vaginal canal (and sometimes out of the vagina). It can happen due to any of these factors like childbirth, chronic coughing, chronic constipation and heavy lifting, which can cause straining of the abdominal muscles or very commonly, menopause, which causes oestrogen levels to decrease and, as a result, weaken pelvic tissues.

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5. Cystocele prolapse

This type of prolapse happens when the front wall of the vagina sags and causes the bladder to drop. Aging is one of the factors that causes this pelvic floor issue, but it can also be due to childbirth, menopause or injury. 

6. Rectocele/enterocele

This kind of prolapse is when the back wall of the vagina pouches forward, causing the rectum or the intestines to bulge into the vagina. This can also be caused by childbirth or obesity or injury. 

7. Vaginal vault prolapse

Finally, the last kind of prolapse that women experience is the vaginal vault prolapse which is when the vaginal walls sag after a patient has a hysterectomy.

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But not all hope is lost if you are facing such problems. There are many ways you can address these issues like practicing Kegel exercises, hormone therapy or even prolapse surgery for the more extreme cases. 

If you’re not sure about your condition, it is always best to check with an expert. Vibrance Pelvic Care Centre in Bangsar offers consultation and treatment options for women who want to improve their pelvic health.  Find out more about your pelvic health today. 

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Written by

Sarah Voon