Pregnancy Concerns: Spotting

Spotting during pregnancy is nothing to worry about. Usually there is a very simple explanation for this spotting. For most women, spotting occurs when the body tries to adjust itself to the new and changed levels of hormonal secretion.

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Women who are pregnant may often experience light bleeding or spotting during pregnancy. While at the time of conception, this bleeding is caused due to the implantation of the embryo to the uterus, at a later stage the spotting is caused due to various different reasons. The spotting is caused by blood which is bright red, pink or brown in color.

Spotting during pregnancy is nothing to worry about. Usually there is a very simple explanation for this spotting. For most women, spotting occurs when the body tries to adjust itself to the new and changed levels of hormonal secretion.

Spotting may also occur due to intercourse. When a pregnant woman has intercourse, the sensitive mucosa lining of the vagina may begin to bleed. This is caused due to the friction generated between the penis and the vagina.

Bleeding could also be caused due to subchorionic hemorrhage. However, usually these clots dissolve on their own and do not cause any major problems. Occasional spotting is normally not worrying. However, if the spotting continues at an alarming rate, it could be a sign of miscarriage. This should be discussed with a doctor immediately.

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