What Causes Stillbirth at Full Term?

Stress can be healthy. Too much of it can literally be fatal.. for your unborn baby. What causes of stress though and what can you do to avoid it?

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What causes stillbirth at full term?

Pregnant women who experienced financial, emotional, or other personal stress in the year before their delivery had an increased chance of having a stillbirth, say researchers who conducted a National Institutes of Health network study. Stillbirth is the death of a fetus at 20 or more weeks of pregnancy.

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What Causes Stillbirth At Full Term: Having Stress Due to Personal Matters

The researchers asked a series of questions, including whether they had lost a job or had a loved one in the hospital in the year before they gave birth. They answered yes or no to 13 scenarios, including the following:

• I moved to a new address.

• My husband or partner lost his job.

• I was in a physical fight.

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• Someone very close to me died.

What Causes Stillbirth At Full Term

Some of the stressful events were more strongly associated with stillbirth than were others. For example, the risk of stillbirth was highest:

• for women who had been in a fight (which doubled the chances for stillbirth)

• if she had heard her partner say he didn’t want her to be pregnant

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• if she or her partner had gone to jail in the year before the delivery

The excitement and expectation of having a new baby is combined with stressful and sometimes difficult changes to a woman’s body, financial concerns, emotional ups and downs, realigning the career path and much more.

What Causes Stillbirth At Full Term: Enjoy Your Pregnancy!

Reducing pregnancy stress during pregnancy can help you enjoy this special time. Here we have put down few steps to beat the stress off pregnancy –

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Be surrounded by positive people who will support you through your difficult time. Invite friends or family you enjoy being with to come to your home. Having your best people around you will cheer you up. Friends and family can be a wonderful support network while you are pregnant and after the baby is born.

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Many women find it extremely helpful to maintain a pregnancy journal or diary. Once a day write down your thoughts or feeling. Keeping a pregnancy journal is a great outlet for bottled up emotions and helps reduce stress during pregnancy especially when you are feeling low.

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Engage in fun activities

Engage in activities of your choice. If you love to read, catch up with an old favourite; if dancing is your forte take up some light dancing sessions. Knitting, singing whatever you may have longed to do, take time to do it now.

Keep hydrated

During pregnancy you can become easily dehydrated from sickness or loss of appetite. Water consumption can also eliminate some of the toxins in the body that cause stress. It is recommended that pregnant women drink at least eight glasses of water per day.


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Give your body time to unwind. If possible, take a short nap for thirty minutes to an hour during the day. If you are working, you might want to take a short nap when you get back home. If you cannot sleep, simply lay down for thirty minutes to give your body time to rest.

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Employ domestic help

There are some chores that you will no longer be able to do safely or easily when you become pregnant. Whether it is carrying heavy groceries, clearing the litter box, dusting the room or clearing piles of laundry, ask your family members or book a maid to help you with the household chores.


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Massage and foot soaks

Feel pampered by getting a body massage or soaking your feet in warm water. This is more than a necessity when you are stressed or have swollen legs with the extra weight of the pregnancy.

Get organised

Believe it or not, getting organized is a great way to reduce stress during pregnancy. Right from rearranging the closet to filing important documents, organising builds confidence and reduces stress. There are many things to prepare for the new baby too!

Imagine holding your baby

Make it your motto “Don’t worry, be happy”. Remember a cheerful mother makes for a cheerful and healthy baby!


Are you pregnant and stressed? Or were you a stressed pregnant lady who found out which stress reliever works for you? Share your stories at the comment box below!

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Written by

Merlyn D'Silva