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Clearblue Digital Pregnancy Test
CLEARBLUE DIGITAL PREGNANCY TEST WITH WEEKS INDICATOR is intended to disclose the presence of human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) in urine in the detection of pregnancy. It ALSO indicates weeks since conception occurred 1-2, 2-3 or more than 3 weeks (3+) if pregnant.
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5.0 /5
6mo agoReport
5.0 /5
Terbaik produk ni
Very recommended kputusan dia pun cpt dan blh dprcayaiVery recommended kputusan dia pun cpt dan blh dprcayai
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5.0 /5
2y agoReport
5.0 /5
boleh tahu result dia.
vaild je guna clearblue ni guna air kencing. dia anggaran je berapa bulan. x semestinya tepat.vaild je guna clearblue ni guna air kencing. dia anggaran je berapa bulan. x semestinya tepat.
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5.0 /5
2y agoReport
5.0 /5
takyah tunggu lama nak tengok kepututsan
mula2 beli yang biasa bukan digital . pastu tak puas ati beli yg ni plk 😂mula2 beli yang biasa bukan digital . pastu tak puas ati beli yg ni plk 😂
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