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Derma Angel Acne Patch
erma Angel Acne Patch is a clear and ultra thin patch that fits right above your pimple. It absorbs acne pus which helps acne wound to heal faster. The patch also acts as a protective layer that prevent the acne wound from infection and also provides an ideal environment for acne healing. - Absorbs pus for lightning-quick healing, while maintaining cleanliness and hygiene. It's also ultra-thin and highly invisible, so you can easily wear this under your makeup.
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Bgus patch ni
Kalau ada jerawat tampal je dkt muka dan nnti jerawat pun akan kurang bngkak pd esok harini..papepun depends pd keserasian kulit masing2 trhadap sesuatu productKalau ada jerawat tampal je dkt muka dan nnti jerawat pun akan kurang bngkak pd esok harini..papepun depends pd keserasian kulit masing2 trhadap sesuatu product ... Papar Lebih
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