How to improve my child's Eczema?

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Mothers ask, how to relieve eczema? Here are some tips from other moms.

baby with eczema, How To Relieve Eczema

How To Relieve Eczema?

Mum Needs Help: Is there any parents out there who has experience with eczema? Any solutions to this terrible skin conditions? My son has quite bad eczema on his legs. Wonder if food allergies are the trigger or is it genetic.


Myra Tay:
It’s a combination of food allergies & also could be genetic. My fren has bad case of Eczema for as long as I can remember… her usual food triggers are any shellfish. Check with your Doctor too.

Anne IsZma:
my elder kid had eczema and rhinitis. its a combine diagnosis. i used a special body soup and cream just for her bt i forget the name. LoL. But now my daughter is 7yrs old already. her eczema stopped when she was 5 or 6yrs old but her rhinitis still stays. mayb u shud consult a doc, as they noes what e best of body soup and cream that suit ur kid.

Norida Binte Mohamed Ramli:
The best solution is to consult your personal g.p.

Anita Agarwal:
My baby who is 5mths old also has eczema – very bad case on his back,neck,hands. Its also due to temperature change. The doc has prescribed cetaphyl as a cleanser and topicream as a moisturiser. I’ve been using it for a month now, neck is fine but there hasn’t been much improvement on his back. Even i’m still looking for a solution.

Ivy Chin:
Try Elomet. Good for eczema, but pls get doc’s or pharmacist’s advice before using as it contains steroids

Grace Ho:
My daughter has eczema on her face and body as well. I used soaps like Cetaphil and moisturisers like physiogel cream and qv kids palm. But the best approach is to get a allergy doctor to check your child up. Mine had a very bad case once and the doctor cleared it up before giving me a daily routine to care for my daughter. I was told the most important thing is to let them forget about scratching the itchy places.

Nita Loanita:
My son used to have eczema when he was baby until 3-4 years old. I tried almost everything, included cream from doctor and special soap. But it didn’t work. Then, I noticed that he coulnd’t stand of hot weathetr. So I used medicated powder. Pureen is good, it can dry out the eczema too.If the skin icthy, maybe u should go to the doctor.

Ivy Chin:
I used Elomet on my daughter, it wnet off within 2 days. I am now having some allergy on my face, am using it as well after recommendation from my skin specialist, and within 1 day, the redness subsided. Cetaphil is good as it is allergen free.

April Kirke:
my daughter used to suffer at the back of her legs. I used Emollient Cream by Avene. Sometimes when it was really bad, I even bath her with Emollient Cleasing Bath, and it fixed her. I recommended to a friend of mine recently to use on her baby, and it worked for her as well. Now my daughter is 9 and she doesn’t have eczema anymore, but she still… See More use the cream in winter time. Also check out, they have great products as well but I haven’t used them personally. Good luck!

Saodah Hasbolla:
Do go to r using their products wen our boys got chicken pox n gotta know their soap is good for eczema too

Jess Loh:
My personal experience: my boy experience it on his leg. Then i used eumora on him and he recovered after one wk. So far so gd. It didn’t come back. 😉

Mariani Ismail:
Those cream works 4 some n not for others, pls consult your personal gp n get advise fr speacialist cuz ezcema is really individual prescription k, do not try on any mediction unless advised, it might become worse than u thought

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How To Relieve Eczema?

Fauziah Abdul Ghani:
It’s best to go to National Skin Centre.Consult the doctors there coz they noes best.I’ve gone thru tis wif my kids n took great care.Emollient bath is gd n use lots of moisturizer tat recommended by dermotologist.Dun use calamine lotion coz it dries up d area.If u hv a child wif ezcema he /she is a “golden child” coz d products for their skin is not cheap. Watch their food esp those tat trigger d ezcema.It ain’t ez,they need special care n attn but it’s all worthwhile once u c them recovering.

Naz Spice:
Eumora bar is good. I’m using it now for my daughter. However when she was a baby, I used Avado products. Good. ESP d nappy rash cream. Immediate effect of stopping d itch. Even i use it at times when I break out in rashes. My daughters ezcema stopped n I could finally remove her mittens…. They have a shop in millenia walk but not cheap

Katherine Soh:
elomet is good for eczema but it’s a little too strong for little children, in my humble opinion, so pls either use sparingly or opt for something milder. I’m 31 and i’ve lived with eczema my entire life and Myra’s right, it’s a combination of genes and allergies. Mine’s more genetic and comes with rhinitis. My kiddo’s 9mths and she’s got mild blotches too but not so we have to dive into using strong steroids like Elomet immediately. i just make sure we use very mild body wash n moisturise it regularly. The child is so young and already we’re introducing strong steroids, then as they get older, what next? eczema can be scary to most ppl, but when managed well and to be vigilant and moisturise, moisturise, moisturise, we’d be fine =) so dont fret ok?

Di Bustamante:
Jeanette Lily Blanks, medical herbalist and naturopath. Cluny Court level 2

Kerry Chua:
seba bath & lotion ph balance.

Saraneetha Rs:
Cetaphil is the best choice of brand to treat this problem… it worked well on my baby…

Puneet Madhok:
see a skin specialist

Jamilah Mohd Yassin:
please try olivenol

Kelly Kc:
Was told this is mostly genetic. Try compressing salt-soaked bandage (press and hold). Eases itch. The best kind of salt that has 84 trace minerals is Himalaayan salt (absorbed via skin). A skin specialist may recommend light therapy.

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