The extraordinary greatness of resilient children: Here’s why – and how – you should make nurturing a resilient child your parenting focus

In a recent survey by theAsianparent (tAp), 90% of mums agreed it was crucial to raise resilient children. Here are some lessons.

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In a recent survey by theAsianparent (tAp), 90% of mums agreed it was crucial to raise resilient children. In an ever evolving world, our children will face new opportunities as well as challenges. To ensure a bright future, children must be raised to be independent problem-solvers, determined to resolve tough situations by themselves through resourcefulness and determination. Therefore, our children must embody the Five Pillars Of Resilience – Perseverance, Daringness, Resourcefulness, Self-Reliance, and Adaptability.

Merely being smart is no longer sufficient to guarantee your children’s place in the world. Instead, you’ll learn how resilience will be the most important key to your child’s future success, and how it will continuously offer benefits throughout their whole lives.  

What mums want: Lessons from the TAP-Aptagro survey

The world is changing and today’s children will grow up to face new challenges that we have never experienced before. It’s becoming increasingly clear to be successful is to prepare them for anything – by giving them the gift of resilience.

In a survey conducted by tAp and AptaGro, 90% of mothers want their children to be resilient; who do not give up easily when faced with difficulties. And 87% found it vital to expose their children to experiences that built perseverance. 

What is resilience?

Resilience is the ability to bounce back from any challenges. However, there are many other supporting traits that can help build resilience in children. Here are the 5 pillars of resilience and how to achieve them.

1. Self-Reliance

This quality is defined as making one’s own decisions independently, yet being connected to family and friends. For instance, when setting off on a nature walk, why not allow your children to decide which trail to take? When queried about parenting styles, 70% of mums thought it was beneficial to have their children participate in activities on their own decision.

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2. Adaptability

Described here as the ability to respond quickly and thrive in challenging environments or when something changes suddenly. This characteristic may be learned from arranging playdates for your children. Learning to play satisfactorily with one or several other children means learning to adapt to the games or “play” style of others. This will teach your children to take into account the reactions of their friends and adapt one’s own choices so that everyone involved enjoys a rewarding playdate. 71% of mums said it is important to teach their children to adapt to new environments quickly.

3. Resourcefulness

Explained as the ability to find quick and clever solutions to thrive in challenging environments. An important aspect of raising a resilient child is ensuring that they are able to solve problems. By teaching them the correct use of technology and surrounding them with multiple positive role models,  as well as encouraging both independent and collaborative activities with their peers and adults to solve difficulties, you are modelling resourcefulness and nurturing your child’s creativity and out-of-the-box thinking. 59% of mums want their children to solve problems on their own. 

4. Perseverance

This is the ability to continue despite failures, turning a weakness into a strength as a result of persistence. Offer your child age-appropriate challenges to build grit, which is often more important than a high IQ. Teach your children to prioritise major goals and to accept frustration as part of the learning process.  As they learn from mistakes and improve, they have already started to build perseverance. According to AptaGro survey, 90% of mothers agreed their children must have perseverance and determination and not give up easily.

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5. Daringness

This important quality is defined as the bravery and courage to try something new and experiment with the unknown. Accepting and overcoming fear is the last of the Five Pillars of Resilience. Show your children that unfamiliar situations might seem daunting but with a positive can-do attitude, each foreign environment is full of opportunities to learn and experience new things. And remember to praise your child’s efforts in trying to accomplish a difficult task instead of the final result. 69% of mums wanted to raise children that are not afraid of the unknown. 

What science says about resilience

In a previous article, Malaysian psychologist Dr Valerie Jaques pointed out that a child is able to meet every developmental milestone because of their five senses and intuitive survival mechanism. This natural drive to survive can be enhanced when children apply the  Five Pillars of Resilience in their everyday lives. From picking themselves up after a tumble in the playground, to handling school bullies and making new friends, children will need to be Self-Reliant, Adaptable, and Resourceful. All while Persevering despite difficulties and Daring to change their circumstances. 

Dr Valerie went on to say that how your child turns out in the future depends heavily on the type of environment he or she is in. So how we shape our children from childhood is essential to determine how resilient they will be in the future.

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Nutrition, immunity, and resilience

Good nutrition also plays a fundamental part in developing resilient children. When children absorb sufficient pre- and probiotic, this helps their growing bodies build immunity. With a healthy body comes a strong mind, which in turn allows them to experience the world’s challenges to build pillars of resilience. It’s no wonder the tAp survey reflected 91% of mums are searching for high quality formula milk brands that are able to support the development of their child’s immunity.

Raise them resilient: a parent’s toolbox

What can parents do to nurture resilience in their children? Here are some tips to help parents get started.

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There are plenty of practical solutions. Just read ‘6 Tips on How to Build Resilience in Children’ to be inspired. And if you’re unsure of where to go, here’s a list of ‘Resilience Locations’ filled with activities to encourage traits like Adaptability, Perseverance, Daringness, Resourcefulness, and Daringness.

When a child is resilient, parents can rest assured that their children will be ready for life’s curveballs.

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