Mummy Diaries: A Day With Diana Nasir And Her Kids

Searching for ideas to find healthy and tasty snacks for kids? Look no more! Diana Nasir shares what she feeds her kids that are nutritious and good for their growth!

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Being a parent in these challenging times continues to be a journey of discovery, especially for moms who are working from home and are expected to be the primary caregiver for the kids.

Diana Nasir, busy mother of three (3) beautiful, energetic little girls, and social media-extraordinaire of @diananasir86, shared, “While we are juggling a busy schedule with back-to-back virtual meetings and deadlines during the lockdown period, the kids are learning online. Things can get distracting, especially when we have to supervise their online activities. On top of all these duties, meals need to be prepared on time and their non-school activities need to be planned out, which, given the restrictions and standard operating procedures that we are facing, requires an active mind and imagination since options are limited. You are doubly busy when you have young children under five years of age!”

The added challenge is that young, active, and growing children are always hungry.

How many times have we heard them say “Mummy, I am hungry”?

Besides the three (3) main meals of the day, there will be times when they come by while we are busy rushing a deadline or engrossed in a meeting to ask for a snack. The older ones will help themselves to whatever there is available in the fridge or cupboards.

“All parents want their children to grow up strong, healthy and happy and ensuring they get the right nutrition is key. For my young ones, preparing nutritious but tasty snacks is especially challenging due to the preparation time and availability. I also understand we want to be able to spend time with our family so preparing the snacks to need to be fuss-free and made available easily. Easier said than done when the temptation is to just give them a bag of salty chips or even a scoop or two of ice cream!” Diana added.

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But perhaps there is a better way that is still fuss-free and far healthier and more nutritious, while still being tasty.

Diana advocates the same for her girls as she does herself when she is craving a snack: having a serving of yoghurt with a fruit of choice as it comes with all the nutrition and vitamins but none of the guilt! 

With Lactel Kids, Diana believes that it is a yoghurt that has all the attributes that a mother would want for her growing and active children: that is rich with calcium and vitamin D to promote bone strength and growth.

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The live cultures in yoghurt are important too for the health of the gut as it improves the digestive system, by maintaining the right balance of good bacteria while helping the body absorb nutrients.

It is a tasty snack that comes in three flavours - banana, strawberry and vanilla - children’s perennial favourites. It is creamy and is made with fruit puree to enhance the taste, with none of the artificial sweeteners.

There is the added bonus of yoghurt being a versatile base that can be more than just a simple snack as we can add fruits or cereals to turn it into a light meal.

Lactel Kids can also become delicious desserts or treats with just a little imagination. For those hot sweaty days, the different flavours provide a base for yoghurt lollies or quenching their thirst with smoothies.

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Lactel Kids yoghurt comes in a bright, attractive packaging that depicts Malaysian wildlife. It appeals to kids and can become a conversation topic with the kids around the dinner table after a long day.

Now more than ever, it is never too early to get kids interested in nature, conservation efforts and related topics such as environmental awareness and protection of wildlife. 

Diana concluded, “It is important that I start my kids on healthy snacks when young while we can still mould their habits. This is why meals and snacks are especially important as what they eat today provides a solid foundation for a stronger and healthier future. Above all, we can teach them that healthy snacks can be tasty too. Remember, you are what you eat! Stay Safe and Healthy!”

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