Week by week pregnancy guide: You and your baby at Week 5

Your baby is busy as a bee, developing his brain, spinal chord, nerves, and backbone. For you, this is when morning sickness begins. It's also the time when you should avoid activities that may pose a threat to you or your baby.

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How Big is Your Baby?

Your baby’s size can actually be measured now, although he is still really tiny. Also, he resembles a tadpole more than human at this point.

Your Baby’s Development?

  • Your baby is furiously at work now. His major organs such as kidneys and liver are starting to grow.
  • His heart is beginning to divide into chambers and will begin to pump blood soon–this is one of the most exciting news in this week by week pregnancy guide.
  • His intestines have started to develop, and the appendix is in place.
  • The neural tube–from which your baby’s brain, spinal cord, nerves, and backbone will sprout–is starting to develop.
  • There are four tiny buds that begin sprouting. These will later turn into your baby’s arms and legs.

Pregnancy Symptoms

While to the outside world your body doesn’t look any different, this week by week pregnancy guide will prove that your body is now sending you definite signs that somethings are changing:

  • Your breasts begin to feel sore, you will begin to experience morning sickness, and fatigue is likely to set in.
  • Another not-so-happy symptom is the urge to pee frequently; this is due to expanding kidneys.

Pregnancy Care

Don’t stress yourself out! It’s important to get sufficient rest and relaxation.

You could also discuss with your spouse when you want to share your good news with family and friends.

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Your Checklist

  • Get a comprehensive medical history of you and your spouse’s immediate family. Your doctor will ask you about any chronic illnesses in the family that may affect you or the baby.
  • This is also a good time to take a good look at your lifestyle and your job. Ensure that any activity or environment that could be potentially dangerous to your baby is eliminated immediately.

Your next week: 6 weeks pregnant

Your previous week: 4 weeks pregnant

Do you have questions on this week by week pregnancy guide? What are your current concerns, mums? Leave us a comment below!

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Written by

Jasmine Yeo