Have you watched a hit American TV show called Tidying Up with Marie Kondo?
If you have been living in a disorganized and chaotic place that you call home, maybe it’s time to check this show out. This show is going to worth your while instead of the sappy rom-com you have always seem to enjoy binge-watching on Netflix.
What’s the deal with this show?
It has garnered millions of viewers with Marie Kondo, a best-seller Japanese author going rounds visiting houses and asking people to clean their houses. Not exactly the kind of motivation that you need at the moment right?
But wait until you hear about her declutter method which is also known as the KonMari method. It has brought to light the idea to spark the joy back into your dull and miserable life by getting rid of the things that you do not need and keep the ones that truly matter to you.
We are highly inspired by Marie Kondo’s show but we also know for a fact that cleaning can be a total nightmare. When you have been a hoarder for years, imagine how much dust you have been accumulating all this while.
You want to clean but you haven’t got the power and will to summon your pseudo-cleaning spirit.
Laziness at its best form.
If cleaning can be arduous and time-consuming, how can it spark joy?
We intend to answer this question by giving you the best 5 cleaning tools that you should have in your home to ease your cleaning process together with some PRO tips to help you clean like a MASTER.
1. Mop like a pro
Does mopping get you feeling like ugh?
If you have a traditional mop and a heavily loaded water bucket for mopping, you’ll know what we are talking about. It’s heavy and you have to squeeze the life out of the mop before you start moping or else, you will end up with a wet floor.
Thank god, we’ve found a workaround this time and it comes down to the newest and latest mop types to help speed up the process and makes moping fun again. It’s 2020, guys.
Spray mop

A water bucket for mopping? Who needs that? All you have to do is to fill in the tube with your cleaning detergent and you are good to go. Spray here, spray there, one swipe. You are done.
Easy spin mop

A fan of an old school mop? This is almost like the one you have at home but with a touch of modernity. You no longer have to spin the mop with your bare hands. The bucket will do it for you.
2. Easy Vacuum
Suck it, dust! Only one tool can do the deed better than everything else and that is a vacuum. Some vacuum can be overpriced but there are plenty of vacuums that can fit your budget.

Cordless vacuums are the rage nowadays. No more a long and messy cord that you have to pull from the vacuum. Because they are cordless, you can clean the whole house to your heart’s content without having to drag the cord.
Robotic vacuum

Don’t underestimate its look. It’s small and handy but its compact power will surprise you. Just let this guy run on its own. Set to on and you don’t have to do anything. Just simply watch. It can be pretty amusing when it wants to clean at a tight corner.
3. Broom, Broom
You have a vacuum for carpet and mop for the floor, if you think that we are missing out on this tool to clean your floor, then you are in for surprises. All households in the world need a good sturdy broom. So, let’s get started.
Smart Sweeper

This is a goal broom because it comes in two in one function. Who needs a dustpan when you this.
Broom and dustpan
It’s like your ordinary broom and dustpan but with a twist. Check out the video above.
4. Magic Sponge
Behold that one magical sponge that can help you save hours and hours of scrubbing the dirt and whatnot. Need us to say more? This has helped lots of housewives removing any toughest stain in their homes.

Microfiber cloths and wet tissue
You know that satisfying feeling when you have finished cleaning your counter top and they look squeakily cleaned? You can thank microfiber cloths and wet tissue for that. Both function the same. If you want to clean a dusty surface, get a microfiber cloth as it helps to trap dust better than any ordinary cloth. Wet tissue? Brilliant. It is an easy solution to clean any stain easily.

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The smile from someone you love. Make them feel loved today by giving a custom personalised gift. Wherever you are, whether you live in the outskirt of Malaysia or miles apart from someone you love, Printcious is here from you as we will send the gift safe and sound to them.