One of the many things parents look forward to is their child’s growth. Since the day their child had come home with them from the hospital, parents have been monitoring the children’s growth and development. As such, most parents are sure to ensure their children grow healthy and strong.
However, Stunting is a growing concern in the country. In Malaysia, 20.7 per cent of children under five suffer from stunting[1]. Stunting is when a child’s height is significantly below average for their age group. For example, what if a child of 5 years of age still looks as if age 3?
What causes stunting in children?
With stunting, even if your child’s appetite is regular, you may observe that he or she is not acquiring enough weight, body fat, or height over time. They may also seem smaller as compared to other children of their age. This may be a sign of stunted growth.
With stunting, even if your child’s appetite is regular, you may observe that he or she is not gaining enough weight, or even tends to decrease. They may experience developmental delays according to their age, become more susceptible to various infectious diseases and so on[2].

There are many reasons as to why a child’s growth could be stunted. Common known causes are as follows[3]:
- Malnutrition
- Genetics
- Psychological reasons
- Hormonal imbalance
- Picky eating
- Poor appetite
- Poor health
Over the past decade, stunted growth has become a prevalent issue among children[3]. You may assume that your child will catch up to their peers or attribute your child’s short stature to hereditary or genetic factors.
While genetics do play a part in why a child may be smaller than their peers, parents should also pay attention to a child’s nutritional consumption.
What parents assume may be a balanced meal for their child might still not be enough to encourage their growth.

When can parents expect to see a growth spurt in their children?
A major growth spurt happens during puberty, which typically occurs between the ages of 10 and 15 for boys and 8 to 13 for girls [4]. At this time, boys experience a growth spurt that contributes about 17% to 18% of their final height, resulting in an increase of approximately 30 to 31 cm. Similarly, girls also undergo pubertal growth, which accounts for around 17% of their final height, leading to a gain of about 27.5 to 29 cm[5].

How can parents help their children to grow steadily?
As with many concerns and issues, they come with solutions.
If you notice that your child is experiencing a slimmer, smaller build as compared to their peers, there are a number of ways on how you can help your child to improve their growth development.
While there are no simple solution for preventing stunted growth in children and to fix its irreversible effect, the best method a parent can indulge in is to explore their child’s nutritional needs and ensure they get the most of it.
Some of the best foods you can try to encourage your child’s growth a is diet that is rich in calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, and vitamin D, which includes[6]:

Apart from a good, balanced diet. Parents can also encourage their children to[7]:
- Include regular exercise in your child’s daily routine.
- Receive proper and sufficient sleep.
- Maintaining a good posture helps keeping the back and core muscles strong and engaged can allow a person to stand straighter and appear taller.
- Parents should seek HCP’s advice to manage growth issues

Giving your child the best to help them grow healthier
As parents, we always want the best for our child and that includes experiencing watching them grow into healthy children, at a rate that is expected for their age. So, parents can also introduce their children to Abbott’s PediaSure to ensure their children’s nutritional needs are fulfilled.
PediaSure is the first and only scientifically proven completely balanced nutritional supplement which is designed for children from age 1 to 10 years old to help them catch up with the growth. It also contains Arginine, Vitamin K2 and Calcium for longer and strong bone growth.

To promote optimal growth and prevent stunted development in children, it is essential to prioritise the regular measurement and monitoring of their height. Parents play a crucial role in ensuring their children’s well-being by actively participating in this process and valuing their children’s growth as a top priority. Learn more about PediaSure here.
[1] Children, Food and Nutrition: State of the World’s Children 2019
[2] Get to know the symptoms of stunting and how to prevent it
[3] 8 Causes of Stunted Growth in Children
[4] Your Child’s growth
[5] Growth and normal puberty
[6] 11 Best Foods To Help Children Grow Taller
[7] What factors influence a person’s height?