Do you remember the movie Bubble Boy? Spoiler alert: It was about a boy whose mother tricked him into “living” in a literal bubble by telling him that he didn’t have an immune system.
You probably thought that show was such an exaggeration until you had your own child. Then you realised that the world is full of germs, bacteria and viruses that our children are exposed to on a daily basis.
Immunity, then, plays such a huge role in keeping our children healthy and happy. After all, when our children have strong immune systems, it allows them to explore the world and learn from all the experiences.
What does having a good immune system mean?
Every parent wants their child to have a good immune system. But what exactly does this mean?
When a child has a good immune system, they basically have a strong foundation for their health, allowing them to be exposed to various environments without fear of falling ill.
But HOW do we achieve good immune systems for our children? Is it something they are born with? Is it something we can build?
The good news is that it is indeed something we can build, by introducing probiotics and prebiotics to our children.
When you include prebiotics and probiotics in your child’s diet, the two work together to promote a healthy gut by encouraging the growth of beneficial bacteria. This ultimately improves digestion and supports the immune system.
Sounds easy enough, right?
Absolutely right! By ensuring your child has increased probiotic and prebiotic intake, it builds a strong barrier between the body and the external environment1.
An added bonus is that our children also enjoy improved digestion, which helps the body absorb more essential nutrients for their development while reducing the risk of infection.
Making the right choice
Many children are not going to sit down and take a thousand and one supplements that you will inevitably try to hide in their food. So how do you entice them to take in all the nutrients they need to build a strong immune system?
One way to do that is by ensuring they meet all their dietary needs and one of the most important meal requirements is milk. In fact, the American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that children drink 2-3 cups of milk per day2.
AptaGro™ with patented combination of Prebiotics and Probiotic and important nutrients helps to support their daily nutritional requirements. Not only that AptaGro™ has the highest DHA level3, helping to meet international expert recommendation.

Understanding the science behind it
Now, you might be thinking — yes, I am familiar with prebiotics and probiotics in my child’s diet. But how does it really work?
Let us break it down for you.
Prebiotics are mainly made out of fibre that is fermented by the time it reaches the large intestine.
Not to be confused with probiotics, prebiotics is what feeds the friendly bacteria that is already in the gut.
Examples of food high in prebiotic fibre include legumes, beans, peas, oats, garlic, bananas, watermelon, flaxseeds.

Probiotics, on the other hand, is obtained naturally through foods that have gone through bacterial fermentation (such as yogurt, kombucha, kefir, tempeh, kimchi and miso).
You might find that your child is not getting enough probiotics through their diet alone, which is why supplements are a good option. The benefits of probiotics very much depend on the dosage and strains. Studies have found that probiotics are able to reduce the severity of eczema4, diarrhoea5 and reduce the risk of infection in children6.
Getting started with prebiotics and probiotics

The key is to start your children on prebiotics and probiotics as early as possible to get a headstart on building their foundation.
With the right balance of probiotics and prebiotics, your children will be able to build strong immune systems that are resilient against disease and sickness.
Healthy bodies lead to sharp minds. Children who have the benefit of both will learn important lessons quickly, adopt resilient attitudes readily, and be prepared to face challenges with optimism.
With this foundation, parents will be able to teach and model the Five Pillars Of Resilience (Perseverance, Adaptability, Self-Reliance, Resourcefulness, and Daringness). Want to know more about the five pillars of Resilience? Read the full story at this link.
1 Hemarajata, P., & Versalovic, J. (2013). Effects of probiotics on gut microbiota: mechanisms of intestinal immunomodulation and neuromodulation. Retrieved from
2 Advice to Children to “Drink Their Milk” Should come with Recommended Amounts. (2012). Retrieved from
3 *Compared to other cow’s milk based growing up milk brands per 100g basis in the market as of Dec 2019. AptaGro contains 89.7mg/100g of DHA.
4 Makrgeorgou, A. (2018). Probiotics for treating eczema. doi:
5 H. Szajewska-M. Kołodziej – Alimentary Pharmacology & Therapeutics (2015). Retrieved from
6 Chatchatee P et al. Effects of Growing-Up Milk Supplemented With Prebiotics and LCPUFAs on Infections in Young Children. JPGN 2014; 58(4):428-437Chatchatee P et al. Effects of Growing-Up Milk Supplemented With Prebiotics and LCPUFAs on Infections in Young Children. JPGN 2014; 58(4):428-437