Fitting breakfast into hectic mornings
Whether you are trying to get that extra 15 minutes snooze time, dressing for an important meeting or helping your kids get ready for school, mornings are one of the most hectic times of the day for most people, especially parents! Not every mum or dad has the time to prepare and cook breakfast, let alone enjoy a proper meal with the family before heading out to join the morning traffic or commuter jam!
Don’t forget the most important meal of the day
Breakfast is the pick-me-up that the body needs after 8 to 12 hours fasting (and sleeping). It fuels the body and brain by providing nutrients we need for the day ahead. That is why a nutritious breakfast is important to give us a strong start to the day.
Research has proven that children and adolescents who habitually consume breakfast are more likely to have better micro and macro-nutrient intake, less likely to be overweight or obese, and more likely to have higher physical activity levels¹.
On the contrary, studies show that people who skip breakfast were 1.34 times more likely to be overweight than breakfast eaters². Breakfast fills you up and helps you to avoid overeating or snacking later in the day.

Despite all the benefits of eating breakfast, the fact is that many just can’t find the time to whip up a meal in the morning. Worryingly, breakfast is not only sacrificed by busy adults – a Malaysian study cited that 1 in 4 Malaysian children between the ages of 6 and 17 skipped breakfast at least 3 days per week² because they didn’t have time to prepare or eat their breakfast. This is a concern!
Make sure it’s nutritious
Convenience is important in this day-and-age. Picking up a ready-made meal without having to prepare it is an appealing solution for many. But for some, pre-packed food like nasi lemak, sandwiches or burgers often do not provide the sufficient nutrients which our bodies need for breakfast. They often fall short in protein, vitamin D, calcium or energy.
This is why it’s important to pair a glass of milk with your breakfast. It is fast and easy and requires less preparation. On top of that, it helps to fulfill the nutrients our bodies need for a strong start to the day.

Calcium in milk helps children develop strong bones and teeth³, and it helps maintain healthy bone mass³ for adults to lead an active lifestyle. Besides calcium, milk also provides other essential nutrients, like protein.
Protein in milk serves as the building blocks of our muscles, bones, hair, fand nails4, and it also plays a major role in various biological processes, including the formation, regulation, repair, and protection of our body.
Besides that, each glass of 250ml of Dutch Lady PureFarm or +Protein milk also contains other essential nutrients such as vitamin D, A and B2. So, drinking a glass of milk at breakfast is the easiest way to boost your nutritional intake in the morning.
Grab your FREE breakfast
Dutch Lady Malaysia is collaborating with Kellogg’s to give out 50,000 sets of FREE milk and cereal breakfasts at 10 LRT stations from 21 October to 31 October, from 6 to 11am. It is the perfect breakfast for the on-the-go traveller, especially if you use the LRT to commute! It is quick, easy and nutritious, and a great way to start the day.

For more information on dates and locations (LRT stations) to get your free breakfast, visit Dutch Lady Malaysia’s Facebook page at or their website
- Adolphus, K., Lawton, C. L., Champ, C. L., & Dye, L. (2016). The Effects of Breakfast and Breakfast Composition on Cognition in Children and Adolescents: A Systematic Review. Advances in Nutrition, 7(3). doi:10.3945/an.115.010256
- MyBreakfastStudy of School Children: Findings, Implications & Solutions, Symposium Abstracts, 3 December 2015, Nutrition Society of Malaysia. (2)
- MOH (2010). Guide to Nutrition Labelling and Claims (as at December 2010). Food Safety and Quality Division, Ministry of Health Malaysia, Putrajaya
- Role of dairy protein for developing countries, 2017. Jan Steijns.