I have always thought toddler-hood was the cutest stage any kid can get. When their personality really starts to show and they are ever curious to copy everything you do.
Having two girls at home, I had the opportunity to doll both up when they were younger. The eldest doesn’t have the patience to entertain the eager me these days. She is very much herself now and want her hair done up her way.
I’m really not good with braids, so you won’t find me listing super intricate and complicated hairstyles here. Neither myself or my kids could tolerate sitting down that long without any drama.
Here are some really adorable toddler girl hairstyles that are not too difficult to try:
#1 Side Swept French Braid
I think, that’s what it’s called. My eldest actually called this the Elsa hair when she was much younger. So every time she wanted this, she would come running and asking for Elsa hair. Why Elsa? I have no idea, but the name’s stuck, so Elsa hair it is. And this is as about the most complicated braid I can do.
credit : Pinterest
#2 Perfect Bun Updo
If your girls go for ballet lessons, you would love this hairstyle. Pretty much like the way we adults do it, with a hair bun sponge to create volume.
credit :kojo-designs.com
You can even finish it off by weaving a pretty ribbon through the hair instead of around the bun like most people do:
credit: measuredbytheheart.com
#3 Manage Baby Hair and Bangs
Try this to keep all the baby hair neat and to the side.
#4 Pair This Side Crisscross Design With Braids
credit : padresehijos.com
#5 Or Just Crisscross Them With The Hair Down
This is especially pretty if your daughter is blessed with thick locks of wavy hair. It keeps the hair from getting into their face but still showing off the lovely hair.
credit : padresehijos.com
#6 Heart Shaped Hair Flips
These are actually a lot easier than they look. It is basically a pony tail which you flip in on itself. It’s called a twistback flip under, which you then split in two, twisted and tied together to make it look like a heart. This is such a cute hairstyle on children.
credit: kinarino.jp
# 7 Three Twists Side Pony
This actually looks complicated to me, but it is so pretty I might actually attempt it. Read on here for instructions on how to achieve this hairstyle.
credit : snapbandz.blogspot.my/
#8 Bow Bun
Video tutorial here.
credit : www.smallfryblog.com
#9 Twisted Ballerina Bun
#10 And if all fails and the kids just wont have it, just slap on some pretty headbands like I do. They’ll just have to do.