This is one good eczema cure stories for all mommies out there. Clara* was a new mum to Maria*, a three-month old baby, when she started noticing redness in her girl’s cheeks, neck, and in the folds of her skin, around the elbows and knees. She had read about cradle cap in babies, so she didn’t think anything of it. She also thought that her child’s chubbiness had something to do with the redness, since the folds in her skin was natural due to her weight.

It was only when her baby started to whimper during bath time and water would hit the redness that Clara started to wonder if there was anything more to it than she thought, if it was actually itchy skin, or skin rashes that itch.
Clara had sleepless nights observing her child and how she would wiggle and move around, seemingly trying to self-soothe. She was filled with anxiety so she sought a doctor’s help.
Eczema Cure Stories
En route to a paediatric dermatologist, Clara started researching online on what it could be. Eczema cure stories, or atopic dermatitis problems, were some of the results that came up. And these best depicted the symptoms of Clara’s baby.
Sure enough, when the doctor checked Maria, the baby indeed had a severe case of eczema. The folds in her body kept the sweat trapped inside her skin, making the redness and itchiness worse — the doctor likened it to the feeling of having second-degree burns. It was, of course, a shock to Clara to hear about what her baby was going through.
“The doctor said that Maria was so brave, considering that she was so young to go through such an ordeal,” Clara says, “After that, we were prescribed eczema cream, eczema lotion and specific sensitive skin products for bath time, one that we still follow up to now that she’s almost six years old. Even if she has bouts of eczema every so often, the regime has greatly helped keep it at bay, and it never got as bad as it was before.”
Eczema Can Happen to Anyone
Before anything, mum, it’s not your fault. Put the blame aside because eczema can happen to anyone, and is a common condition in young children.

One out of five children below the age of five in Malaysia suffer from atopic eczema. According to Dr. Rachael Teo, a dermatologist and consultant at The Dermatology Practice @ Gleneagles, atopic dermatitis is the most common form of eczema in children.
“The hallmark of eczema is itchy, scaly, red patches on skin. This usually starts in childhood before age two,” she says, “but the distribution of the rash tends to change as the child gets older. In infancy, you’ll find eczema on face or neck, in later childhood or adulthood, it will be in the skinfold areas like the neck, back of knees or elbows, but any part of the skin can be involved.”
Why Does Eczema Happen?
Dr. Teo states that eczema happens due to a “disrupted skin barrier due to mutations in the FLG gene, which encodes a key protein in the skin called filaggrin.”
This protein is crucial in healthy skin. When Filaggrin is lacking in the body, bacteria and allergens get inside the skin easier, and leads to the redness.
“So the key factor in effective management of eczema will be restoration of the normal skin barrier function,” Dr. Teo adds, “Moisturization is the cornerstone of eczema treatment, and has been shown in clinical studies to reduce the need for topical steroid in eczema.”
Relieve Eczema with Daily Hygiene Habits
It can be heartbreaking to see your child suffering from the discomfort and itching eczema causes. But there are things you can do to provide relief. You have the power to help your child.
While eczema is often something that will be with your child up to adulthood, it’s in the small habits that you do on a daily basis that will help relieve your child’s eczema.

Figuring out and avoiding your child’s triggers, like changes in weather, dust, or allergens, can help. The products that your child uses also help.
Dr. Teo suggests, “Non-soap based cleansers that are neutral or low pH, free of fragrances, and hypoallergenic are the best. An ideal cleanser or moisturizer should be free of additives, fragrances, and other potentially sensitizing agents. Moisturizers containing ceramides and filaggrin are also effective, and lessen the signs and symptoms of inflammation on the skin.”
Cetaphil Restoraderm, with Filaggrin Technology

With Cetaphil Restoraderm Skin Restoring Body Wash and Skin Restoring Body Lotion, moms and dads won’t need to worry if the product that they’re using on their child is safe or not. You can put your trust in Cetaphil Restoraderm because it is a brand recommended by dermatologists.
The Cetaphil Restoraderm line is the only clinically proven two-step skincare range that contains Filaggrin technology™. This locks in and retains the moisture in the skin to relieve itchiness. And it helps restore the Natural Moisturizing Factor in your child’s skin.
Cetaphil Restoraderm is also paraben-free, steroid-free, and hypoallergenic — making it safe for babies as young as three months old. With frequent use, it will help rebuild and strengthen your child’s skin barrier.
Finding a way to relieve your child’s eczema will not only help your child greatly, but your family as well. Cetaphil Restoraderm is available in leading drugstores nationwide. For more information about Cetaphil and where to find products near you, log on to