How Big is Your Baby?
Your Baby’s Development
In this week by week pregnancy guide, you’ll learn that:
- Your baby’s auditory ability is getting stronger by the day.
- He will start his cycle of hiccups and respond to the food you consume. If you try spicy food, you might feel a belly spasm, but it’s just a hiccup.
- He has also just discovered thumb sucking. It’s not as bad as it sounds because it actually helps strengthen his jaws and cheeks.
Pregnancy Symptoms
- You will feel a tight grip in your uterus for as long as a couple of minutes. It’s not painful, but definitely discomforting. These are called Braxton-Hicks contractions. They prepare the uterus for actual contractions, so relax.
- You will see mild swelling in your ankle, feet, and hands. This is due to a condition called edema. It usually occurs when fluid is accumulated in your body due to increased blood flow and uterine pressure on your vena cava.
- You are still experiencing inflammation, swelling or bleeding in the gums. Although it starts from the second trimester, this problem may continue until after delivery.
- Your legs may become jittery and tingle a bit–this is called restless leg syndrome. It could be due to iron deficiency.
Pregnancy Care
- To strengthen the gums, practice good dental care. Visit the doctor if bleeding persists, and floss every time you eat.
- If you are experiencing restless leg syndrome, try some gentle exercises to relieve yourself of body aches.
Your Checklist
- Start doing your research into placenta encapsulation if you are interested. If you want to know more about the process and which companies offer the services, click here.
- Consult the doctor for information on breast milk. Now is when you will experience hormonal growth and therefore breast milk formation.
Your next week: 28 weeks pregnant
Your previous week: 26 weeks pregnant
Do you have questions on this week by week pregnancy guide? What are your current concerns, mums? Leave us a comment below!