Week by week pregnancy guide: You and your baby at Week 33

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Your baby, who is the size of a pineapple, can now distinguish through day and night. As for you, mum, with everything that's going on, now is the perfect time to pamper yourself.

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How Big is Your Baby?

week by week pregnancy guide: week 33

Your Baby’s Development

In this week by week pregnancy guide, you’ll learn that:

  • Your baby can now differentiate between day and night as the light passes through the thin uterine wall.
  • He will be closing and opening his eyes during sleeping and waking up times.
  • He has developed an immune system of his own.
  • He has also learnt how to breathe now.
  • His bones are hardening.
  • He is also undergoing some major brain development.

Pregnancy Symptoms

  • Since your metabolic rate has reached its peak, you will be left feeling overheated all the time.
  • Sleep has become elusive with the hormonal rush, regular trips to the bathroom, leg cramps, and heartburn.
  • Headaches and feeling anxious all the time will become a common affair.
  • You will start experiencing strong foetal movements inside the womb.
  • Your nails will become brittle because of hormonal activities.
  • If your belly starts hurting when you change positions on bed, it might be because of the round ligament pain. This is described as a sharp or jabbing pain usually in the belly or groin area that is, unfortunately, common during pregnancy.
  • Shortness of breath will become routine.
  • You may feel clumsy and become forgetful of even the smallest things.

Pregnancy Care

  • Avoid exercising and eating close to your bedtime.
  • While exercising, you must not indulge in anything strenuous.
  • Ensure that you stick to healthy eating.
  • Keep yourself hydrated by drinking at least eight to 10 glasses of water every day. Avoid aerated drinks.

Your Checklist

  • To ease down anxiety, pamper yourself with a warm bath.
  • Drink a warm cup of milk before sleeping and listen to your favourite soundtrack to help you soothe down.
  • If you are planning on cord blood banking, sign up for it now.

Your next week: 34 weeks pregnant

Your previous week: 32 weeks pregnant

Do you have questions on this week by week pregnancy guide? What are your current concerns, mums? Leave us a comment below!

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Written by

Jasmine Yeo