How Big is Your Baby?

How is Your Baby Developing?
In this week by week pregnancy guide, you’ll learn that:
- Your baby is now swallowing, breathing, kicking, and sucking.
- His digestive system is all set and ready to go.
- His skin is becoming less transparent and more opaque.
- He is sleeping well these days, with sleep cycles of 20 to 40 minutes long. This also explains the decrease in movement you’re likely experiencing these days.
Pregnancy Symptoms
- That swelling belly is getting itchier and itchier as the skin stretches and dries out.
- You may feel a painful spasm in your calves which may worsen at night.
- Your growing uterus is cramping your bowels, making them sluggish and irregular.
- As your breasts expand in the third trimester, they may also leak a yellowish fluid called colostrum, which is the precursor to breast milk.
Pregnancy Care
- Get some regular exercise (anything helps, from brisk walks to prenatal yoga) and drink enough fluids.
- Carry a protein-and-carb-rich snack in your bag to munch on for when you feel dizzy.
- Try calamine or some other type of anti-itch lotion to soothe more stubborn cases of itchiness.
Your Checklist
- Try not to obsess over stretch marks. Up to 90% of women get them. They’re a sign that your baby is growing beautifully.
- Be prepared; learn the signs of labour: water breaking, period-like cramps, vaginal bleeding, diarrhea, and a tightening feeling in your uterus.
- It’s time to host a baby shower!
Your next week: 33 weeks pregnant
Your previous week: 31 weeks pregnant
Do you have questions on this week by week pregnancy guide? What are your current concerns, mums? Leave us a comment below!