How Big is Your Baby?

Your Baby’s Development
In this week by week pregnancy guide, you’ll learn that:
- At 37 weeks your baby is considered full-term.
- His head is currently surrounded and protected by your pelvic bones; the head rests in your pelvic cavity.
- He currently has hair up to 3.5 cm long and no longer has lanugo, the fine layer of down hair all over his body.
- He is rolling, stretching, and wiggling more and likes to suck on his thumb. He also enjoys pivoting from side to side and blinking.
- He simulates breathing by inhaling and exhaling amniotic fluid.
Pregnancy Symptoms
- Apart from the uncomfortable weight in your belly, sleepless nights may be brought about by intense dreams caused by your anxiety about labour and your becoming a parent.
- While an increase in vaginal discharge is normal, be on the alert once you see mucus with tiny amounts of blood as this means that labour is on its way. If your discharge becomes heavy, call your doctor immediately.
Pregnancy Care
- You have to stay hydrated. No matter how bloated you feel, it is important that you drink eight glasses of water a day to ease your fluid retention.
- Give yourself a perineal massage in preparation for the big day. This will help stretch your perineum (the area of skin between your vagina and rectum) in an effort to avoid an episiotomy and tearing. Here’s how to give yourself a perineal massage: With clean hands and trimmed nails, lubricate your thumbs and put them inside your vagina. Press down towards your rectum and slide your thumbs across the bottom and side of your perineum, pulling gently outward and forward on the lower part of your vagina with your thumbs hooked inside. This helps to stretch the skin in the same way your baby’s head will during birth.
Your Checklist
- Pre-register at your hospital to have an easy check-in experience.
Your next week: 38 Weeks
Your previous week: 36 weeks
Do you have questions on this week by week pregnancy guide? What are your current concerns, mums? Leave us a comment below!