How Big is Your Baby?
Your baby has doubled his size from the previous week! He is now about as big (or small) as an aratilis, which is also known as Singapore cherry (scientific name: Muntingia calabura).

Your Baby’s Development
In this week by week pregnancy guide, you’ll learn that:
- Your baby’s growth is incredible! Your baby is now generating about one hundred new brain cells per minute.
- His brain and his heart are becoming increasingly complex and his permanent set of kidneys are in development.
- At the moment his bone marrow has not yet formed, so it is his liver that is churning out large amounts of red blood cells.
- Hands and feet are beginning to emerge, although they still look like paddles. Also arm and leg joints are beginning to form.
- His teeth and palate are forming.
- His ears continue to develop as well.
- His skin is paper thin, making his veins visible.
Pregnancy Symptoms
- Your uterus has doubled in size to accommodate your growing baby. Unfortunately, this means that you will still experience the constant urge to pee.
- You may start to breakout on your face (Thanks, hormones!). A change in complexion is uncommon and your skin may also change from oily to dry or vice versa.
- Varicose veins may also begin to appear due to the increased blood flow.
- Nausea continues to be an unwelcome visitor.
- Your food cravings will probably kick in.
Pregnancy Care
Your Checklist
- It might be time to wear clothes that are a tad loose–you’ll be bloated so your regular clothes may feel constricting.
- This is the best time to start photographically documenting the growth of your baby.
Your next week: 8 weeks pregnant
Your previous week: 6 weeks pregnant
Do you have questions on this week by week pregnancy guide? What are your current concerns, mums? Leave us a comment below!