Having a baby on the way? Congratulations! Are those nesting instincts kicking in already? Or are you already gawking at the exorbitant price tags on those cutesy-wutesy baby things? Latest must-have gadgets? The most in-trend strollers?
I remember when I was expecting my first child, all that excitement as first time parents, I pretty much spent a huge chunk of money on new items. Second time around I got smarter and only purchased preloved items.
Now I won’t say I’m an expert, but having gone through this twice, I can more or less narrow it down for you, so here are 5 best types of preloved baby items (in my humble opinion) that new mothers should have.
1. A light weight stroller with one hand fold

Example: Graco Citilight R or equivalent. Of course you’ll have the basics narrowed to the T: be able to recline flat, has newborn head and body support, 5 point harness, accessories, style, looks, etc. Most times, parents leave out practicality and portability.
If you’re anything like me (husband works all day, so I chauffeur the kids, go out on my own to run chores and buy the groceries), you might want to consider a stroller you can handle on your own.
You don’t want them too heavy or complicated to fold away because think safety when you’re alone in the carpark on your own. I’m sure you would want to load the things quickly and get yourself and bubs in the car and the car locked.
2. Carseats

But be sure to check with the buyer for an expiration date: Most carseats expire after 6 years from the date of manufacture. Whether you want to opt for those that come in a travel set with the stroller or a standalone carseat it all rolls down to preference. With our first we used a convertible which lasted her from birth till she was about 2.
Our second child we switched to Combi for both seats. They were the more slim range so we can fit both carseats and still sit a third person in the same row.
3. Baby changing station
I do see a lot of IKEA ones sold on preloved and if you have the space, get one, because your back will thank you for it. You will definitely be changing a lot of diapers into the wee hours of morning and trust me, having everything you need organised and at arms reach is God sent. Yes, those stories you hear about pooplosions and poopnamis are true.
4. Baby monitor
In my honest opinion a simple basic one will do the job. But if you feel the need to have it relay real time video, perhaps it would be best to buy them new, because the ones more commonly sold on preloved are just the basic ones like Obebe and Brevi.
5. Breast Pump
Kredit : Parents.com
If you’re choosing to breastfeed and later become an exclusive pumping mom when you return to work, buying preloved is the way to go. Breast pumps can retail in the thousands, depending on what you want them to do and what accessories are available with it. If that doesn’t break a big hole in your bank account I don’t know what will.
There are many preloved breast pumps readily available like: Freemie, Spectra, Avent, Medela at a lower cost. Sometimes sellers may even have spare parts like valves for sale too. Deals can also get pretty sweet when generous sellers throw in bonuses like their new and unused breast pads or storage bottles/bags just because.
So there you have it, the 5 best types of preloved baby items to hunt down and own. As with all things buying preloved, be prepared with speed and of course always do your homework before making a purchase. With this I wish you best of luck and bid you adieu.