Researchers at the Tulane University School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine found a link between TV viewing and aggression in kids.

How much TV should my child watch?
According to the report by The Straits Times, the more television that a small child watches, the more likely he or she is going to exhibit aggressive behavior. Even if television is just on the background, aggressive behavior can still surface in the future.
Researchers recommend no television viewing for children under two years old, and a maximum of only two hours for kids older than two.
Now that parents are aware of the effect of television on children, I believe that they should find more options on how they can keep their children entertained.
Maybe the television is the easiest way to keep our children occupied while we go about our chores. But if TV viewing is linked to aggression, then parents should work harder at finding other alternatives for their kids entertainment.
How much TV do your kids watch?