If your daily activity consists of you excessively scrolling your social media account drooling over the sight of food, you are not alone.
Have you ever felt this way? The moment you start to see the food that you like, your mind starts plotting to ensure that you will get what you want at the end of the day.
Imagine if this is your situation. Your options are kind of limited as you can either choose to dine in at the restaurant or to cook them. But since you are trying to save up some money, you choose the latter.
Anyone can cook this, you said to yourself. Fuelled with determination, you hit by the nearest supermarket to buy the ingredients. But, a wave of disappointments washes over you. The prices of the ingredients are too expensive and in the end, you have to settle with the less appetising options.
Aww, honey. It is okay. It happens to the best of us.
Money can be a concern here but who’s to say that you can’t enjoy cooking a scrumptious meal under a low budget?
Whether you are a student or a man in love who wants to save up some money for your wedding, can we get an awwh here, we have prepared a list of cheap fail-proof recipes for you to try today. So, you can enjoy eating the food that are not only delicious but taste better too.
1. Murtabak Maggi
This recipe combines the two of Malaysian’s all-time favourite foods; murtabak and Maggi. A perfect combo which will have you drooling the moment its smell hits you. It is super easy to do and it costs me less than RM 10 to buy the Maggi and the eggs. Tried and tested, it doesn’t require you to be a master chef. But make sure that you don’t overcook them. A few of this and your stomach will be full in no time.
Check the recipe here from none other, Hi, What’s up, guys, the Khairul Aming.
2. Roti Poket Doraemon (Pocket Bread)
Another all-time favourite. This is a hit for me personally when I want to eat some fried chicken but had enough of KFC and I want a simple meal. So, hot dog it is! The best part of this is that you don’t have to break a bank to make this. With less than RM 20 for a budget, *depending on your preference, you can cook this bite-size meal for 3 people! Seriously, tak tipu.
Read the full recipe here in Bahasa.

3. Planta Fried Rice
Ah, planta. It evokes lots of sweet memory when I was a child where I used to eat a slice of bread with planta spread.
Planta fried rice is easy to cook and if you have to host a family at the last minute and they are expecting a meal, I have to tell you that this is your ultimate salvation meal. Pair them up with a fried egg. Oh my god. Need us to say more?
You have to give it a try, we assure you that you won’t ever fail.
Make your Planta fried rice from Azie Kitchen.

4. Easy Spaghetti Recipe
The name says it all and they are cheap too. You don’t have to pull off any tricks to make this a success. All you need are some spaghetti, some love and channel your inner Salt Bae persona when you pour the red chili flakes onto the spaghetti. The meal will come in handy whenever you wake up in the middle of the night upon hearing your stomach’s growling. You wish to eat something heavy because your stomach desperately needs it but are way too lazy to make an effort. Trust me, I have been there. We have our moment of laziness or in my case, they occur too much lately :p
Thanks RasaMalaysia for a brilliant spaghetti recipe.

5. Cheesy Egg Fried Bread
Behold the power of the bread! Surprisingly, this runs out fast during the MCO (Movement Control Order) period and we have heard from some people that the bread can be hard to find sometimes. But fret not, for those who have gotten hold over this staple food, they are so good to be eaten just like that or you can pair them with a tin of canned Tuna. And if you wish to fry them, do so with eggs and a slice of cheese. It’s finger-licking good.
Get the recipe here.

There you go. We hope that this list is able to fill your appetite.
Whether you are on a budget or just way lazy, these recipes do not take much of your time to make them and you get to eat them with someone you love.
This article has been republished with permission from Printcious