Breast pumps are a lifesaver for the working mum. It enables us to earn a living and fulfil our career goals, while also ensuring that our children get the best nutrition we can provide – breastmilk that is made for them.
But lets face it. Pumping is not easy or pretty. In fact it can be noisy, messy, and the cords and wires limit movement. You’re pretty much tethered to one spot, preferably near an electric outlet, for the duration. With most pumps, you’ve either got your hands full or bottles dangling off your breasts. You’ve definitely got at least half a top off. It’s not the most ideal of situations.
And that doesn’t even take into account the time you need to squeeze out of work to pump. It’s frustrating to miss a meeting for a pumping session but its also frustrating to miss a pumping session for a meeting. No 0ne wins.
Thankfully, with all the advances in technology, the breast pump has finally been updated.
Meet the Willow, a wearable, wireless breast pump that fits right in your bra

It is discreet, does not need a special bra, your hands or any nudity whatsoever. It collects milk in an enclosed leak-proof bag, and has only a few parts so you have less to clean up.

The best part is that it is really, truly wireless!
It’s really a revolution – you can literally pump anytime, anywhere while doing anything your heart desires (maybe not extreme sports or activities!) Hurrah for 2017 and technology!
“We believe in bringing dignity and humanity to the breast pumping experience, because women shouldn’t have to undress or give up who they are — or how they move — to be a mom,” says Willow CEO and president Naomi Kelman.
The only deterrent would be the pump’s rather hefty price tag at $429 which is about RM2000. And the special milk collection bags are one time use only and their special design probably means that you can only repurchase them with Willow.
However, the most premium traditional breast pump model available in Malaysia retails at about the same price. So here’s to hoping that the Willow makes it to Malaysian shores. You can find more information here.