Every millennial parent (and non-parent) obsessively (but sometimes secretly) watches cleaning and organising videos online. You can try to deny it, but if it’s a really good cleaning video, there’s just something so addictive about it that we can’t help but to stop and watch the whole thing just to see how satisfyingly clean the end result is. I will be the first to admit that I definitely follow a lot of cleaning accounts online, across all my social media platforms. One of the most popular videos that always pops out is The Pink Stuff.
So having piqued my curiosity to an almost unhealthy level, I added the products to my cart on Shopee and received The Pink Stuff’s The Miracle Cleaning Paste within days to try out. A little background: I just moved out of my apartment into a rented landed house that was unoccupied for the past 5 years. So some of the things in the kitchen needed a really good scrub.
Having used The Pink Stuff Miracle Cleaning Paste on some old pots and pans and even the exterior of my landlord’s fridge, I was pretty satisfied with the results and when the opportunity arose to review a whole range of their other products, I jumped at it.
The Pink Stuff Cleaning Products Review:

- The Miracle Cleaning Paste (RM25.99) – This product is AMAZING in getting out old stains on crockery, utensils, tiles, glass and various other stainless steel products. However, the older or more “gunky” the stains are, the harder they are to clean out. The Miracle Cleaning Paste contains some really tiny abrasive materials, so I really would not recommend using it on ceramic induction cookers or other surfaces that might scratch easily. It is also highly recommended that you wear gloves when you using this product so you don’t damage your own skin. With newer stains, simply applying a thin layer of paste over the stain and using the rough side of a dishwashing sponge to scrub gently, then wiping it off with a cloth, should yield very good results. But with really old grime like on gas stove tops, this might require a lot more scrubbing and quite a lot of The Miracle Cleaning Paste to get the dirt out.
- The Miracle Multi-Purpose Cleaner (RM20.22) – I have used this spray on just about everything at this point. I’ve used it to clean my kitchen counter tops, my bathroom mirror, my oily kitchen backsplash, my car dashboard and even spritzed a little on my nylon pants when I accidentally got make up on it. And it has worked on all, producing incredibly clean results and a nice fruity scent afterward that isn’t too overpowering.
- The Miracle Bathroom Foam Cleaner (RM23.99) – Remember earlier when I mentioned that I had moved into an uninhabited home? Well, besides the kitchen that had stubborn stains that took me hours of cleaning to get out, the bathrooms were in a dire state too. The shower glass doors were so water-stained and there were too many unidentified stains surrounding the sink that I was a little put off by them. Thankfully, just a few spritzes of the foam cleaner and a quick wipedown of the surfaces with a microfibre cloth made the bathroom fresh and clean again.

- The Miracle Laundry Bio Liquid (RM29.99) – We used this liquid detergent to wash our clothes and one of the main indicators of success I was looking for with this trial was whether it would get the smelly odour of my gym clothes out. Having tried so many brands to find one that could remove the odour completely, the Bio liquid did quite a good job at that. Since the smell was mostly gone, I’d say this liquid detergent was about 99% successful in removing that stubborn odour.
- The Miracle Laundry Sensitive Non Bio Liquid (RM29.99) – Having a toddler with eczema at home means I am always very cautious about the types of laundry detergent I use to wash his clothes. I tried this laundry detergent to see if it would be suitable for him and thankfully, it was great for him! The clothes also smelled really great and it got every single spaghetti sauce stain out with just one wash.
- The Miracle Laundry Oxi Powder Stain Remover (Whites – RM26.09) – If it is one rule I’ve stuck with almost all of my life, it is to avoid wearing white. I am a klutz and I tend to spill food on my clothes all the time. And when I wear white, it seems like Murphy’s Law will strike all the more. So I almost never wear white because once it’s stained, I can’t get the stain out. I did not use it on my own clothes this time, but with my husband’s white work shirt. I think many guys would probably face this same issue where the stains would likely appear around the armpit region and also the neck collar region. So I popped a scoop of this into the washing machine with his white shirts and to my pleasant surprise, the shirts came out a lot newer looking than before! I might start wearing white more often now with this miracle stain removing agent at home!
- The Miracle Laundry Oxi Powder Stain Remover (Colours – RM26.09) – In a household where I am also always getting my toddler’s sticky hands wiping down on all of my clothes, I am glad to have this stain remover handy for my laundry loads because I always have stains on my clothes. But since my clothes are usually darker coloured, I can kind of get away with the stains sometimes. But there was once my toddler decided that he would eat cheese sticks and then proceed to wipe his orangey hands all over my favourite black t-shirt and denim shorts… I was pretty horrified because you can’t hide a bright orange stain on a black t-shirt or denim! So I quickly popped it into the washing machine with a scoop of this and by the time the short 30-minute wash cycle was over, I was hanging up stain-free clothes. I have also tried this on period-stained bedsheets and it cleaned it out very nicely.
So all in all, my experience with the entire range of The Pink Stuff’s miracle products has been a good one. I do believe that the hype that these products have created is valid, considering how effective the products are in getting out all kinds of stains in general and they are also very gently scented so it is not overpowering to sensitive noses either.
If you want to try out this range of products too, visit The Pink Stuff Official Store Malaysia on Shopee.
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