Week by week pregnancy guide: how Big is Your Baby?

Your Baby’s Development
In this week by week pregnancy guide, you’ll learn that:
- Your baby’s skin is beginning to develop pigments which determines his skin tone. He will also be covered in Vernix Caseosa, a thin wax-like substance that helps protect the skin from amniotic fluid.
- The hair on his scalp is growing.
- Your baby’s senses are blossoming. His brain is designating specialized areas for smell, taste, hearing, vision, and touch.
- Research suggests that he may hear your voice now, so keep a check on those swear words. Read, sing, or talk to your baby. Don’t be shy.
- His kidneys continue to make urine.
Pregnancy Symptoms
- Your belly is growing fast, so the ligaments supporting your expanding uterus causes abdominal aches.
- Your little one’s kicks may take you by surprise, though eventually you will get used to the movements of your little gymnast. Oh, and avoid using your growing bump as a coffee table lest the cup, along with its hot content, falls.
- Your increased bump size may be causing you heartburn, so here are ways to prevent it.
Pregnancy Care
- Keep the aches to a minimum by going on walks and performing simple exercises.
- If you feel light-headed, sit down and do some deep breathing exercises or meditate.
- Hip pain may bother you at night. Sleep with a pillow between your knees.
Your Checklist
- Encourage your spouse to feel your little ninja’s kicks! This is a good way for him to connect with the baby.
- Think about picking out names for your baby. It’s never too early!
Your previous week: 18 weeks pregnant
Your next week: 20 weeks pregnant
Do you have questions on this week by week pregnancy guide? What are your current concerns, mums? Leave us a comment below!