How Big is Your Baby?

Your Baby’s Development
In this week by week pregnancy guide, you’ll learn that:
- Your baby’s skin is thickening and developing layers this week.
- While most babies still have their eyes sealed, your little one’s peepers may be open now.
- He is swallowing a lot of amniotic fluid which is good for his digestive system.
- A black, sticky substance called meconium is accumulating in his bowels. He will pass this soon after birth.
- His taste buds are working, so if you catch him smacking his lips during your anomaly scan, he probably likes what you ate last!
- If you are having a girl, her uterus is formed while her vaginal canal is developing. If you are having a boy, his scrotum is yet to develop but his testicles have started to descend.
Pregnancy Symptoms
- You will now steadily gain about half a kilogram per week.
- Your sleep is interrupted. The uterus is aligned with the belly button, making sleeping in one position a little uncomfortable.
- The fatigue and morning sickness from trimester one have completely faded away by now. (This is, undoubtedly, the best news in this week by week pregnancy guide.)
- You probably have increased libido as well, so getting some action between the sheets with your hubby will do you both good.
- You have vaginal discharge. It is harmless and will continue until the end of your pregnancy.
Pregnancy Care
- Keep your weight in check. If you started your pregnancy underweight, you may need to gain a bit more. If you were overweight, you need to put the brakes on gaining.
- Keep exercising to keep those aches and pains minimal.
Your Checklist
- Haven’t had an anomaly scan yet? You should. The bonus is: you may witness your baby kick, move or suck his thumb! Do take your partner along. It will be an amazing experience for you both.
- Eat healthy to stock up on essential pregnancy nutrients.
- Take your prenatal vitamins diligently.
- Thinking about travelling? The second trimester is the best time to plan a trip. Share your travel with the doctor and start packing!
Your next week: 21 weeks pregnant
Your previous week: 19 weeks pregnant
Do you have questions on this week by week pregnancy guide? What are your current concerns, mums? Leave us a comment below!