How Big is Your Baby?

Your Baby’s Development
In this week by week pregnancy guide, you’ll learn that:
- Your baby is continuously putting on the necessary weight; his body constitutes 15% of fat.
- He kicks more often now.
- He has fully developed kidneys and liver which are ready to process some of his body’s waste products.
- His brainpower is developing at a tremendous rate.
Pregnancy Symptoms
- Your ever-expanding uterus reaches up to your rib cage now.
- Heartburn and other gastrointestinal problems are keeping you busy.
- The frequent trips to the bathroom haven’t stopped.
- You may experience a lack of bladder control when you cough, sneeze, or even laugh.
- You may encounter occasional headaches.
- Skin rashes are another problem that may trouble you.
- You may also notice your gums bleeding.
- You haven’t stopped feeling clumsy.
- You may experience some mild contractions—Braxton Hicks contractions—as your body prepares itself for labour.
Pregnancy Care
- Now is the right time to get vaginal and rectal culture done to check any growth of bacteria.
- Practice Kegel exercises as they will strengthen your pelvic muscles for delivery.
- Remember to keep yourself hydrated during the day.
- Stick to healthy eating.
- As you are nearing the D-day, you may be getting nervous. Soothe yourself by diverting your mind to things that you love to do.
Your Checklist
- Wash, fold, and put away all your baby’s clothes. Theses activities will help keep your mind off things.
- If you haven’t yet, create a birth plan long before the first contractions hit! This way, you’ll know whom to call and where to go when you enter labour. That said, by now you should have programmed important numbers in your mobile phone.
Your next week: 36 weeks pregnant
Your previous week: 34 weeks pregnant
Do you have questions on this week by week pregnancy guide? What are your current concerns, mums? Leave us a comment below!