Being a new parent is exhausting physically, mentally and emotionally. You might be sore, running on very little sleep and the moments of doubt seem to come one after another, especially for first-timers.
No matter how many books you read, how many apps you download, we’ll all still need to go through a learning curve and it may be a steep one. But you’ll definitely get the hang of it and sooner or later you and your baby will establish a schedule that works well for everyone involved.
In the meantime, here are some tips to make the first month of parenting easier.
Trust your instincts
All new parents receive truckloads of advice, from immediate and extended families, neighbours, friends, colleagues, virtually anyone who knows you have a new baby will have some tit bit of advice to share. The best way to not go crazy is to trust yourself and your instincts. After all, you and your baby are unique and what works for some people may not work for you!
Respect the feedback from your family
Different generations have different way of doing things. My mother raised me very differently from how I’m raising my daughter. My mother’s generation thought formula feeding was best, while I am very determined to breastfeed.
When she introduced the pacifier to my daughter despite my misgivings, I was upset. But when I saw how the pacifier soothed the baby so much more quickly, I was sold. So while there’s no one size fits all solution, listening to feedback can help sometimes!
Don’t invite people over right away
Everyone will be so excited about meeting the baby, but sometimes its a good idea not to have them over right after coming home from the hospital. This gives you time to rest and recuperate. If you’re struggling with breastfeeding, this will give you time to work out issues without the added stress of entertaining visitors. If your confinement rules are really strict, then no visitors for the whole month!
Stop worrying about doing everything right
Try not to compare your baby and routines with your friends, because nothing is ever perfect. You can do everything “right” and it may all turn out wrong. You and your baby need time to learn about each other and during that process, its best to be chilled and let nature take its course. Worrying about perfection just adds to the stress and you don’t need that.
Take alone time
For new mothers especially, alone time is important to just take a breather and decompress. Take shifts with your spouse or co-parent and don’t be afraid to ask for help. You’ll be amazed what a difference it makes when you take the time for a long, luxurious shower or just a few hours out for a meal with your friends.