How Big is Your Baby?

Your Baby’s Development
In this week by week pregnancy guide, you’ll learn that:
- Your baby’s movements will become routine. He will play for a bit and then rest to recover.
- He is also able to hear and distinguish your voice by now. He may even respond to it when he is awake.
- His skin is now turning pink because he is forming small blood vessels called capillaries under the skin, and these are filling up with blood.
- He will go through his first bowel movement this week, but it will not come out until after he is born.
Pregnancy Symptoms
- Your bump, which now looks like a soccer ball, may cause lower-back pain.
- You are experiencing other body aches such as hip and leg pain.
- You may feel itchy veins your the rectum. It happens because the bigger uterus is pushing down and increasing blood flow in that area.
- You feel constipated. Irregular bowel movements can cause piles, so increase your fluid intake and drink enough water.
Pregnancy Care
- Keep body aches at bay by walking and performing Kegel exercises. Yoga and step aerobics are worth trying as well.
- Here is what to watch out for in this week by week pregnancy guide: if you gained weight rapidly or feel bloated due to gas and acidity during the second trimester, visit the doctor immediately.
The Checklist
- Set up an antenatal appointment. Your doctor or the midwife will measure the size of your uterus, measure your blood pressure, and take a urine sample to test for gestational diabetes and lack of proteins in the body.
- Download our birth plan checklist here.
Your next week: 26 weeks pregnant
Your previous week: 24 weeks pregnant
Do you have questions on this week by week pregnancy guide? What are your current concerns, mums? Leave us a comment below!