What can we do to relieve child constipation? How often do it happens?

Child Constipation: Remedies From Moms
Mum Needs Help: My 18 month old often suffer from child constipation. Now she got a lump outside her anus. see gp and he said is plies and said can only use pp wash and cream to make her feel better, but its not been working. If want to completely remove the lump, need to operate.What should I do?
Grace Quek: hmmm….my boy also got one small lump(extra skin) at the anus…..is it the same as hers…..anyone pls advise wat to do…..
Yvonne Ho: It’s juz like an air bubble..it will go away when it ripe juz like pimple.bt u hv to mk it open if u feel itz soft..apply sum cream then shld b fine.
Cecilia See: my gal having this problem too.. u should see KK hospital doc.. for long term doc check up… the doc give my gal some fiber drink(orange flavour) after drink usually will bowel (soft bowel) in less than 1/2 hr.. my doc advise since no pain just small lump just keep on observe see will become smaller.. operate is the last resort but since no pain no urgent for it..
Juraidah Osman: But from what i know,piles may come back if the constipation still occurs frequently. . I guess more fibre in the diet would help. . What abt drinking yakult? My boy always ‘lao sai’ aft drinking it but to come to think abt it, my boy doesnt have any constipation issues. . 🙂
Donna Lee: I think lao sai also cause piles. Nest to see doc of kiddo does not have regular poo. To the mummy who posted the question: I feel heart pain for your gal. Pls do as doc says. Seek another pd advise if u feel yours is not doing enogj for your gal. Hope she gets well soon.
Sabrina B Irama: My gal also have a small lump..she got it when she was abt ur gal age..also due to constipation. I was worried initially but since she did not show any sign of discomfort or pain, I just let it be…only increase the fibre intake…the small lump is still there but it gets smaller now…my gal is coming 3yrs soon..
Azsuqa Harry: my gal used 2 hv it when she was 2,she’s 8 now. d paed @ kkh confirmed it wasn’t piles. she prescribed saline wash 2 rinse d area @ every diaper change, advised me 2 let my girl sit in a salt water solution in a bathtub 4 5 mins daily, & prescribed lactulose for soft stools, to stop constipation. I believe u can get all dis frm d pharmacy 🙂
Maggie Yap: i would advise u to give her fiber drink as my daughter have the same problem ever since she was a baby. she start the drink when she turn 1 year plus..so far she is ok with it and i do give her fruits and coconut juice. is works. less constipation problem.
Doc Dana E Srither: Sometimes the lump can be a blood clot just under the mucosa lining. Stays there for a long time because of friction and rebleeding. If child is not crying or passing out blood ++ in motion, use fibre and diet to soften stool.
Kelly Kc: Sounds like PILES, resulting from lack of fibre. Your child has to eat more vegetables. Find a way to sneak mashed vege into tomato sauce or mayonnaise. Surgery to remove piles does not guaranteee the problem won’t re-occur.
Maryjane Yanez Sudario: u should chinese medicine, my boss is a traditional chinese doctor, just give a try.
Lye Wan Jun: Why not include papaya in the daily diet? If not change the milk powder and see if the situation improves?
Mohana Sundary: Try giving her prune juice…helps to pass soft stools. Do not feed her ‘heaty’ food. Add more fibre in her diet. Ask doc if she can have suppository inserted in anus.The lump can shrink and disappear. Operation is painful and can’t guarantee piles won’t return again. I’ve had the problem and I know what it feels like. I hope your baby gets better soon.
JoAnn Wong: My baby is suffering from child constipation too, she does not like to drink water so have no choice but to keep feeding her fruits like papaya or kiwi and also give her prune juice by Heinz. Also to make her porridge more diluted so tat she takes more fluid.
If anyone has a better idea please share.
Nuur’Ain Othman: yes… my son is 3 years old coming to 4. Having constipation at his age. I was also looking for any remedy to ease his child constipation. Tried banana but it only work once.
Hope anyone here can share too.
Sweta Agarwal: Try prune juice …and giving more fibre rich food like fruits and veggies. cut on carbs. try it may help.
Sandy Tng Wee Ling: Try yoghurt… my PD recommend Yogplait petit miam… my baby is 8mths 🙂 Good for calcium intake and bowels movements 🙂
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