Korean drama fever. The evils of all evils. My favourite Korean drama is the one thing that can keep me up till wee hours in the morning and render me sobbing quietly into my pillow.

Frankly, I am unashamed to admit I am a complete Korean Drama junkie. I know a lot of mothers, ladies, you name it, out there who fit the same bill. What I cannot fathom though, why this addiction is. Is it the superficial romantic scenes or perhaps of tragic love lost?
But undoubtedly, one of the reasons why Korean dramas are so popular around the world, is that the audience are able to connect their life in the dramas.
Of course in dramas they must make it extra tragic lah! Whether they have suffered in marriages, relationships and general challenges in life, the audience can relate to it.
image source : Misz Keju – Nami Island in Autumn
Scenes are shot in beautiful sceneries, everything is perfect, sometimes tragically perfect too. The story line can be catchy, humorous, super romantic with yummy twist and turns in the plot to keep you wanting more. More so if they are actors or actresses you adore.
Often times the lead actor herein “Oppa”, is this dashing, heart melting, gentlemanly, weak in the knees specimen of a man. Always gorgeous, always loving, sometimes filthy rich. If that isn’t a dreamy ideal man, I don’t know what is.
There’s something for everyone: 5 top favourite Korean drama to watch
Descendants of the Sun – some eye candy military men? (complete)
image source : Asianwiki
W – Two Worlds
Webtoon suspense and romance? (ongoing and airs every Wednesdays and Thursdays)
image source : afamily.vn
Uncontrollably Fond
Tragic romance? (Ongoing and airs every Wednesdays and Thursdays)
image source: tvvietbao
Doctors / Doctors Crush
Some kick ass Doctors? (ongoing and this has topped rankings! Airs Mondays and Tuesdays)
image source : asiastarz
Super long drama with many twists and turns, family feuds, power control and I’m not sure how much more bad luck can they throw at the main actor. 50 episodes ok? Be prepared. (Ongoing and airs Mondays and Tuesdays)
image source: koreandrama
Tell us what are some of your favourite late night indulgences in the comments below!